Home/November 1996 Articles


APOSTOLICAE CURAE AND CANON LAW POPE LEO XIII ISSUED Apostolicae Curae on 13 September 1896, stating that ...we pronounce and declare that ordinations performed according to the Anglican rite are utterly invalid and altogether void. It is a document which [...]

Reform Update

EAMES' OPTION FOR MESSY CHURCH WHEN REFORM initiated the call to the Bishop of Ripon to discipline heretical Bishop Derek Rawcliffe for suggesting, via a homosexuals’ newspaper, the lowering, if not the abolition, of the age of consent for homosexual [...]


DIVISIVE ISSUES AND INTERIM ETHICS THIS LETTER IS SENT by e-mail, and seems to lose dashes and quotation marks on the way. This explains why some sentences seem to change directions suddenly and why the clumsy jargon of ecclesiastical activists [...]


REDEFINING RELEVANCE “AUSTRALIAN ANGLICANS: declining, ageing, English”. That heading from the weekly Church Scene provides a good summary of the state of Anglicanism in this country. It led a story on a report by the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and [...]


MONEY MAKES THE CHURCH GO ROUND WE HAVE SOME delightful euphemisms for money we pay to our dioceses. I’ve heard it called Quota or Family Purse or Parish Share - even Parish Scare! Whatever its called, its basically a way [...]

The Way We Live Now

No King; No Bishop IT IS BECOMING increasingly clear that the Monarchy as an . institution is dangerously close to hitting the buffers. Though the figure of the Queen herself is for the time being sacrosanct, it is open season [...]

30 Days

PLUS ÇA CHANGE Followers of the Lincoln Cathedral saga need to put this current little local difficulty in its proper historical perspective. The cathedral has a long history of unpleasantness and spiritual jiggery-pokery. In the 1930s canons were questioned about [...]


‘Contemplation is available to any man, woman, or child who is humble enough to want God, and want Him very much for His own sake’ (Michael Ramsey). Through the disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve, we lost that [...]

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