How can we become a better-taught people of God?
Many of the problems of the Church of England have come about simply because of the lack of knowledge, theological, historical, sacramental, moral and pastoral of those who are safeguarding the “faith once delivered to the saints”.
Bishop Boynton, the retired bishop of Puerto Rico and a staunch defender of the faith has collected funds to produce a series of 45-minute video-lectures which provide a theological training for laypeople, including ordinands, who have little or no academic background.
Eventually there will be a set of video lectures on each of 21 different subjects, ranging from the Old Testament, through Church History to Pastoralia and Administration. So this Video Library will contain not less than 250 forty-five minute lectures.
Those who have seen them agree that they are good. The intellectual level is well within the reach of anyone used to watching a TV documentary or an Open University lecture.
Here is a list of the subjects which will be covered by the videos.
[*= These courses have been completed or are being done at this time]
1* Introduction to Old Testament; 2* Introduction to New Testament; 3* Pentateuch and Prophets; 4* The Gospels; 5* General Survey Church History; 6* The Life of Prayer (Ascetical and Mystical Theology; 7 Acts, Epistles, Revelation; 8* Patristic and Credal Theology; 9 Liturgical Theology, Anglican worship, Liturgical Ministry of Deacon; 10 Dogmatic and sacramental Theology; 11 Anglican Theology the Thirty-nine Articles; 12 Exegesis and Sermon Content; 13 Biblical Languages (Greek, Aramaic/Hebrew, Latin); 14 History of the Early and Medieval Church; 15 History of Anglicanism and the Book of Common Prayer; 16 Liturgical customs & Practices; Major Feasts and Fasts; 17 Apologetics; 18 Anglican Polity and Canon Law; 19 Christian Education, Missions, Church Music; 20 Moral Theology and Pastoral Counselling; 21 Parish Administration and Management
What an Opportunity!
Man’s necessity is God’s opportunity. If we make use of this “great door and effectual” which is opening to us then it will put us in a strong position to refute those “teachers” who have made it their business to adapt and modify the truth to make it in keeping with the beliefs of the present age.
The following titles are already available
1/2: Introduction to Old Testament studies/Introduction the Book of Genesis; 3/4 The Patriarchal Narratives/The Sojourn in Egypt: From Joseph to Moses; 5/6 The Law at Sinai/The Cultic Laws: the Book of Leviticus; 7/8 In the Wilderness: The Book of Leviticus/The Covenant Renewed: The Book of Deuteronomy; 9/10 Conquest and Settlement: The Books of Joshua and Judges; The Books of Samuel: Samuel and Saul; 11/12 The Books of Samuel: David/The Transition from David to Solomon, The Books of Samuel and Kings; 13/14 The Divided Monarchy, the Book of Kings/The Kingdom of Judah, The Book of Kings; 15/16 Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah/Isaiah; 17/18 Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk/Ezekiel, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi; 19/20 Psalms; 21/22 Proverbs/Job, Ecclesiastes; 23/24 Song, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther/Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel
1/2 The Nature of the New Testament/The Greco-Roman Context; 3/4 The Jewish Context/Introduction to the Gospels; 5/6 St Matthew’s Gospel/St Mark’s Gospel; 7/8 St Luke’s Gospel/St John’s Gospel; 9/10 Q and the Other Gospels/The Life of Jesus; 11/12 Acts/Galatians; 13/14 1&2 Thessalonians/1 Corinthians; 15/16 2 Corinthians/Romans; 17/18 Colossians and Ephesians/Philippians and Philemon; 19/20 1&2 Timothy, Titus/Hebrews; 21/22 James & 1 Peter/2 Peter & Jude; 23/24 1,2&3 John/Revelation.
1/2 Rule of Life/Corporate Worship & Mass, Daily Office 3/4 Meditation, prayer of quiet/Ascetical Disciplines; 5/6 Scripture/Spiritual Direction; 7/8 Confession/Virtue & Vice; 9/10 The Human Side/Prayer; 11/12 Stages of Christian Life/God & Christian Life
The price of each video (which includes two 45-minute lectures) is £16:00 including packaging and postage.
All enquiries about the Video Project should be sent to Francis Gardom at 79 Maze Hill, London SE10 8XQ.