Owing to pressure on space in New Directions each month, the Editorial Board and Forward in Faith have decided, with regret, to terminate the free Newsbytes service with effect from the June issue.
In its place, there will be a new Classified Advertising section. The charge for an advertisement for one month only will be £15 for up to 50 words. The same advertisement for two months will cost £30, but for three months will attract no charge for the third month – i.e. £15 for 1 month, £30 for 2 months & £30 for 3 months. Series of advertisements in excess of three months will also be charged at £15 per month, with every third month free. Additional words will be charged at 50 pence each for one month, £1 each for two or three months and so on.
Like our display advertising, all classified advertisements will now be dealt with by our Advertising Manager, Mike Silver, who can be reached by ‘phone on 01634 401611, or by fax on 01634 831296.
Just out from the FiF Parish of All Hallows, Easton is ‘Hallowed Be Thy Name: Centenary of All Hallows 1901-2001’. Priced at £5.30, it is available from Mr Roger Dawes, 18 Stean Bridge Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol (0117 9236990). The book traces the history of Easton and Bristol and the beginnings of the catholic movement in the city before turning to All Hallows, with articles on the architect George Oatley, the building of the church and its consecration and personal testimonies from members of the congregation. The book has a preface by the Archbishop of Canterbury and a postscript by Bishop Andrew Burnham.
Anne Gray, Lay Chairman of FiF St Edmundsbury & Ipswich writes:
This day conference, arranged by the Anglia region of Forward in Faith, and taking place in Mendlesham, Suffolk, on 7th July 2001 will be looking at the issues surrounding death and dying: not at first glance the most thrilling of topics, but one which will affect us all.
Some of the paraphernalia surrounding the business of dying does have particular significance for those of our constituency: one frequently expressed anxiety is over being unable to receive the Sacraments from a male priest whilst in hospital; another is to do with conducting funerals of either close relatives or friends or in planning one’s own obsequies, in which the ministrations of a woman-priest would cause distress. An additional facet concerns the matter of bequests. Many who want to leave bequests to particular churches, especially where no Resolutions have been passed, are worried lest their money ends up financing something totally alien to their wishes. We plan to address all these subjects as well as those of more general interest – care for the terminally ill and those in bereavement, both practical and spiritual, and fresh insights into liturgies for those who conduct funerals. Our speakers include three parish priests – one a Cruse counsellor – a lawyer, a hospital chaplain, a former hospice nurse and a funeral director.
The day will begin with Mass at 10.00 am; registration/coffee will be at 10.45 am, and we will conclude at about 4.00 pm, after Benediction
The fee of £5 will cover tea, coffee and an information pack. We are grateful for sponsorship received from the Guild of All Souls, the Society for the Maintenance of the Faith and the Catholic League and hope to publish the substance of the talks at a later date.
Contact: Miss Elizabeth Paul, 42 Gleneagles Drive, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 5SQ (01473 711800)