BATH S.John’s, Bathwick (by the Fire Station). A Forward in Faith Church. Sunday: Sung Mass 9.00 am; Evening Prayer & Benediction 6.30 pm on 2nd/4th Sundays. Weekday Masses: T 8.00 am; W 7.00 pm; Th 10.30 am; F 7.30 pm; See Notice Board for changes / special services. Rector: Fr David Prothero 01225 460052 VISITORS VERY WELCOME.
BEXHILL-ON-SEA, Saint Barnabas’ Church, Sea Road Each Sunday – Parish Mass 10am. Third Sun each month – 4pm Evening Prayer and Benediction. Mass – daily at 10am except Mon (but check the noticeboard!!) – on Solemnities the Mass is sung. Second Wednesday each month 2pm: Pre-school Praise for children up to 5 years old and their parents or carers. Third Weds each month: Lunchtime Mass at 13.05. Sacrament of Reconcilliation after Mass or by arrangement. Walsingham Cell: First Tues each month at 2.30pm. Contact Fr.Colin Pritchard 01 424 212036
St Agatha’s Sparkbrook Fr Herve 0121 449 2790
Emmanuel Wylde Green Fr Crane 0121 373 8348
St Luke Kingstanding Fr Smith 0121 354 3281
St Mark Kingstanding Fr Coslett 0121 360 7288
St Mark StocklandGreen Fr Powell 0121 3730130
St Saviours Saltley/ Fr Townsend 0121 689 8897
St Mark Washwood Heath/ St Mary and John Alum Rock
BOSTON, Lincolnshire. S.Nicholas, Skirbeck. Boston’s oldest Parish Church. Forward in Faith Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Richborough. Sundays: Low Mass 8.00 am (1st & 3rd); Sung Mass 9.30 am. Daily Mass, offices, benediction and confessions as displayed on notice boards. Rector: Fr Paul Noble, SSC 01205 362734
BOURNEMOUTH. St Alban’s, Charminster Road (entrance in Linwood Road). Sundays: 8.00 Eucharist (said), 10.00 Sung Eucharist, 6.30 Evensong. Wednesdays: 10.30 BCP Communion (said). Please enquire for Feasts and Holy Days, and monthly Friday 7.00pm “Healing Service” (Eucharist, with Laying-on of Hands with Prayer and Anointing). Fr Robin Nash SSC, 01202-534193.
BRIDPORT, S.Swithun. Forward in Faith Church. Sunday:Low Mass 8am; Solemn Mass 9.30am; Evening Prayer & Benediction second Sundays 6pm. Weekday Masses:W. 8.30am; Th.10am.
BROMLEY, St.George’s Church, Bickley Sunday – 8am Low Mass, 10.30am Sung Mass. Daily Masses usually 10.30am. Times of Confession and other informationfrom Fr.David Herbert (Regional Dean for Kent) on 020 8467 3809
BURY Holy Trinity, Spring Street. 10 minutes walk from Interchange. Forward in Faith Parish with traditional Anglo-Catholic worship. All three Resolutions passed. Sunday Sung Mass 11.00 am; BCP Evensong 4.30 pm. Low Masses midweek, Masses on Days of Obligation, Monthly CBS. Visitors welcome. Details: Fr Derek Hailes 0161 764 2006
CARLISLE S.Aidan, Warwick Road. A Forward in Faith parish, one mile from M6 junction 43, and close to the city centre. Sundays: 8.00am Mass; 10.30am High Mass. E.P. & Benediction monthly. Daily Mass at various times. evening High Mass on Solemnities. Vicar: Fr Richard Oakley.
CHARLESTOWN, Cornwall, St.Paul’s (A,B & C). Sundays: 7.45am Low Mass; 9.30am Parish Mass; 6.30pm Evensong. Daily Mass (except Friday) 9.30am.. Parish Priest: Fr.John C. Greatbatch SSC. 01 726 812824. E-mail
CHELMSFORD The Ascension, Maltese Road, 10 minutes walk from the station. A Forward in Faith parish under the Bishop of Richborough. Sunday: Mass 8.00 am; Parish Mass 9.00 am followed by Parish Breakfast. Weekdays: Tues 7.00 pm, Wed 9.30 am, Thurs 9.30 am, Fri 7.30 am, Sat 8.30 am. Modern rite, Traditional ceremonial. Parish Priest: Fr Ivor Morris Tel/Fax: 01245 353914
CHELTENHAM Ss.Philip & James, Up Hatherley. 2 miles east of M5 Jn 11, right at first r’bout. ABC Parish. Sundays:Mass 8am; 10am Parish Mass with Children’s groups. Weekday Masses. Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat 9.30am; Wed 7.30pm; Fri noon. Holy Hour Fr. 7pm. Weekday Solemnities – Evening Mass, PP Fr.M.Wray 01 242 236979
CORNWALL The United Benefice of Chacewater and St. Day with Carharrack. Under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Ebbsfleet. Three former Cornish mining villages. One mile from Redruth and five miles from Truro. Sundays: 8.30am Said Mass(Carharrack), 9.30am Parish Mass (St.Day),11.00 am Parish Mass (Chacewater). Further information: Parish Priest: Fr Andrew Gough SSC Tel: 01209 820275. E-mail:
FOLKESTONE, Kent. S.Peter’s, Folkestone, on the East Cliff. A Forward in Faith Parish under the Sacramental and Pastoral Care of the Bishop of Richborough. Parish Priest: Fr John Paddock. Daily Mass. Daily Offices. Sunday: Mass at 08.00 & 10.30, Evensong & Benediction 18.00. Weekdays: Mon 0845, Tues 1900, Wed 10.30, Thurs 12.00, Fri 19.30, Sat 08.00. Confessions Sat 18.30. Further details: Tel: 01303 254472
GRIMSBY, St.Augustine, Legsby Avenue. Lovely Grade II Church by Sir Charles Nicholson. Forward in Faith Parish under Bishop of Richborough. Sundays – Mass 8am, Parish Mass 10.30am, Solemn Evensong & Benediction 6pm. Weekdays – Monday, Wednesday & Saturday 9.30am, Tuesday & Friday 7.30am, Thursday 7.30pm. Vicar: Fr.Stephen Jones, 01 472 877109
GUILDFORD DIOCESE, F IN F PARISHES St.Augustine, Aldershot – Fr.Keith Hodges – 01 252 320840. St.Nicolas, Guildford – Fr.Andrew Norman – 01 483 504895. Holy Trinity & All Saints, Hawley – Fr.Martyn Neale – 01 276 35287. St.Mary, Thorpe – Fr.Michael Hereward Rothwell – 01 932 565986. Please contact Clergy for details of services.
HARLOW St Mary Magdalene, Harlow Common (southern side of Harlow, Chelmsford diocese). Resolutions A, B and C passed. Sunday Parish Mass 1030, Evensong and Benediction 1830. Weekday Masses: Tues 1930; Wed 0915; Thurs 1000; Fri 1830; Sat 0915. Evening Prayer and Rosary Mon 1740. Vicar: Fr Colin Patterson SSC 01279 453848.
HEADSTONE S.George, Headstone, Pinner View, Harrow, Middx. BCP services. Sundays: 8.00 am Holy Communion, said; 10.30 am Holy Communion, sung; 6.30 pm Evensong; Wednesdays: Holy Communion, said; Festivals: Holy Communion, said. Vicar: The Revd Stephen Keeble Tel: 020 8427 1253
INVERNESS St Michael and All Angels, Abban Street – the Comper Jewel in the Highlands of Scotland. A Forward in Faith parish. Sunday: 8am Low Mass, 11am Solemn Mass, Compline and Benediction monthly. Midweek: Low Mass at various times, Solemnities 7.30pm. Parish Priest: Fr Len Black, SSC – 01463 233797. VISITORS MOST WELCOME!
KINGSTON-upon-THAMES, St. Luke’s, Gibbon Road (short walk from Kingston railway station). Sunday services: 8am Low Mass(English Missal), 10.30am Sung Mass (Western Rite), 6pm Evensong and Benediction. For further information ‘phone Fr. Martin Hislop 020 8546 4064. Web page:
LEAMINGTON SPA S.John the Baptist. Parish under the Episcopal Care of the Bishop of Ebbsfleet. All Resolutions passed. Daily Mass. Sunday 8.00 am Low Mass, 9.30 am Parish Mass, 3.30 pm Solemn Evensong. Benediction (1st Sunday). Traditional Catholic Worship in friendly atmosphere. Parish Priest: Fr David Lawson SSC. Tel: 01926 422208
LEEDS Ss John & Barnabas, Belle Isle. A Forward in Faith Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Beverley. Sunday: Parish Mass 10.00. Weekdays: Tues 8.30, Weds 9.30, Thurs 18.30, Sat 9.00. Nr Jc 6 M621. Contact for details: 0113 2717821 or 0113 2718346.
LONDON E17 S.Saviour, Markhouse Road, Walthamstow. A Forward in Faith Parish under the care of the Bishop of Richborough. Sunday, Low Mass 8.30 am, Solemn Mass, 10.00 am. Confessions by appointment. For all other details call Fr David Waller, Parish Priest, on 020 8520 2036
LONDON N17 S.Benet Fink, Walpole Road, Tottenham. A Forward in Faith Parish under the care of the Bishop of Fulham. Sunday: Low Mass 8.00 am; Sung Mass 10.00 am; Evening Prayer & Benediction 6.00 pm. Daily Mass and Offices. Parish Priest: Fr Michael Davenport SSC. Tel: 020 8888 4541
LONDON SE13 S.Stephen Lewisham (opposite Lewisham Station). A Forward in Faith Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Fulham. Sunday: Mass 08.00; Parish Mass 10.00 Weekdays M: 0700. T: 18.30 W: 12.15 Th: 08.00 F: 18.30 S: 08.00 Parish Priest: Fr Geoffrey Kirk Tel: 020 8318 1295.
LONDON SE18 S.Nicholas Plumstead – the Ancient Parish Church – St. Nicholas Road, Plumstead. A Forward in Faith Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Fulham. Masses: Sunday 08.00; Solemn Sung 11.00; Mon 20.00; Tues 19.30; Wed 09.30; Thurs 19.00; Fri 12 noon; Sat 10.00. Modern Rite, Tradition Ceremonial. Parish Priest Fr Andrew Stevens 020 8854 0461
LONDON SW20 St. Saviour, Grand Drive, Raynes Park. A Forward-in-Faith Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Fulham. Parish Mass Sunday: 10.00am. For other Sunday weekday masses contact 020 8540 2493
LONDON WC1 Christ the King, Gordon Square. The Forward in Faith Church. Wednesday, 11.30 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 12.30 pm Low Mass; Thursday, 12.30 pm Low Mass; Third Sunday of each month: Vespers & Benediction, 4.00 pm. Other services as announced. Contact: Forward in Faith 020 7976 0727.
LONDON, St.Augustine, Highgate Masses: Sunday Sung Mass 10am, Tuesday Mass 10am & 8pm, Thursday Mass 7 & 10am. Morning Prayer 9am on all weekdays. Evening Prayer (Vespers) 6pm on weekdays (except Tuesday – 7.30pm) Holy Days Sung Mass at 8pm. Fr.Timothy Bugby SSC 020 8340 3567 e-mail
MANCHESTER, Parish of Swinton and Pendlebury and the Parish of Lower Broughton, Forward in Faith. St.Peter’s Swinton; All Saints’ Wardley; St.Augustine’s Pendlebury. Sundays: 8am Mass (SP & AS); 9.30am Sung Mass (Asc.& AS), 10am (SP), 11am (SA). Daily Mass and Offices. Team Rector, Fr.Ron Farrell, 0161 794 1578
MARKET DRAYTON, SHROPSHIRE (Buntingdale Road, off Shrewsbury Road) Christ Church, Little Drayton. Forward in Faith Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Ebbsfleet. 10.00 am Sung Eucharist every Sunday.Rite 1 (Trad.), lively worship in a “prayer book catholic” ethos, with biblical preaching and a welcoming atmosphere. Parish Priest: Fr. Chris Probert Tel/Fax 01 630 652801. Website
S.James, Milton, Portsmouth – Fr Oriel Alby – Tel: 023 9273 2786
S.Michael, Paulsgrove, Portsmouth – Fr Gary Waddington – Tel: 023 9273 8808
The Ascension, North End, Portsmouth – Fr. Ron Robinson – tel.023 9266 0123.
SS.Peter & Paul, Fareham – Fr Tony Marks – Tel: 01329 280256
All Saints, Godshill, IOW – Fr John Ryder – Tel: 01983 840895
All Saints, Ryde, IOW – Fr Edwin Butcher- Tel: 01983 616889
Holy Spirit, Southsea – Fr Michael Lewis – Tel: 023 9287 3535
Please contact parish priests for details of services
ST.IVES, CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Under the Episcopal Care of the Bishop of Richborough. Sunday: Sung Eucharist at 10.15am, Eucharist at 8am. Daily Mass and Office; Confessions Saturday at 6.15pm. For more details contact Fr.James Pullen 01 480 463254 or
ST. LEONARD’S-on-SEA, Christ Church & St Mary Magdalen, Silchester Road, A Forward in Faith parish, resolutions A+B. Daily Mass. Sunday 8am Mass,10.15 Parish Mass, 6pm Evening Prayer & Benediction. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays at 11am. Imposing building, stunning liturgy, modern rite with traditional ceremonial. Contact: Rector, Fr Richard Harper at the parish office- 01424 447784
SALISBURY S.Martin. The one with the spire behind Salisbury College. Main Sunday services: Sung Eucharist 11.00 am; Evensong 6.30 pm. For any other information, call Fr Keith Robinson on 01722 504813
SANDWELL, Tividale, Oldbury, West Midlands. St.Michael the Archangel, Tividale Road [near Burnt Tree Island – 10 mins. M5, Junc.2] and Holy Cross, Ashleigh Road. Sunday Mass 10.00 [Holy Cross],11.00 [St.Michael’s] Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 5.00-6.00 [St.Michael’s]. 1st Sunday, Praise Service 6pm. Daily Mass. All Resolutions passed. F-in-F. Parish Priest – Fr Christopher Marshall SSC 0121 532 7911
SHAW Holy Trinity, Church Road (2 miles M62 Juncs. 20 & 21) Forward in Faith Parish, Resolutions ABC. Sunday: Sung Mass 10.30 am. Weekdays: Mon 7.15 pm; Wed (incl 1st of month Benediction) 7.30 pm; Thurs 10.00 am. Confessions by appointment. Parish Priest: Fr Richard Watson SSC (01706 847369)
SHREWSBURY All Saints with St.Michael, North Street (400 yards from Shrewsbury railway station). Resolutions ABC. A Forward in Faith Parish under the Episcopal Care of the Bishop of Ebbsfleet. Sunday Mass 10.30 am. For daily Mass times or further information, contact Fr David Mawson SSC (01743 358820) or
SOUTHAMPTON S.Barnabas, Lodge Road (off A33 Inner Avenue) A Forward in Faith Parish, Resolutions A, B & C. Sundays: Mass 8.00 am; Solemn Mass 10.00 am. Weekday Masses: Mon: 5.30 pm; Tues, Wed, Thurs: 9.30 am; Fri: 8.30 am. Parish Priest: Fr Barry Fry SSC 023 8022 3107
SOUTHPORT S.Luke (FiF) Sunday Worship: 8.00 am Low Mass & Holy Communion; 10.30 am High Mass & Sermon; 6.30 pm Solemn Evensong & Benediction. Information re: Saints’ Days & Weekday Masses: Contact Parish Priest Father Ian R Shackleton 01704 538703. English Missal / B.C.P. Resolutions A, B & C.
STAFFORD S.Chad, Greengate Street. A, B & C. Sunday Mass 11.00am Traditional Rite. Web site: Fr Michael Fisher. Tel. 01785 245069.
STOKE-ON-TRENT SMALLTHORNE S.Saviour, Smallthorne. ABC. Parish Mass Sunday 11.00 am. Information on weekday masses: 01782 835941. Visit us on the web:
STOKE-ON-TRENT SS.Mary and Chad, Longton. A Forward in Faith Parish. Sundays: Parish Mass 10.00; Weekdays: Mon: 8.00 am; Tues, Thurs & Sat: 9.30 am; Fri: 7.00 pm. Confessions after any Mass or by appointment. Parish Priest: Fr. Locket SSC 01782 313142
SUNDERLAND S. Mary Magdalene, Wilson Street, Millfield. A Forward in Faith Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Beverley. Sunday: Parish Mass 10.30, Benediction 18.30, Mass 19.00. Weekdays: Mass 10.30 Mon & Wed, 19.30 Tues & Thurs, 7.30 Fri, 10.00 Sat. Rosary 19.15 Thurs, 18.15 Sat. Confessions 18.30 Sat, or by appointment. 15th of every month – Day of Exposition for Forward in Faith. Parish Priest: Fr Beresford Skelton (0191 565 6318).
SUTTON COLDFIELD, Emmanuel, Wylde Green. Sunday – 8am Mass, 10am Parish Mass, Creche and Sunday School, 6.30pm Choral Evensong. For further details ‘phone Fr.Crane on 0121 373 8348
TORQUAY All Saints, Torre. A Forward in Faith Parish under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Ebbsfleet. All Resolutions passed. Sundays: Low Mass 8.00 am, Solemn Mass 10.00 am. Parish Priest, Fr Roger Shambrook SSC Tel: 01803 328865
TORQUAY S.Mary the Virgin, the Parish Church of St Marychurch, under the Episcopal Care of the Bishop of Ebbsfleet. Resolutions A, B and C passed. Sundays: 8.00 am Mass. 10.00 am Sung Parish Mass, 6.30 pm Solemn Evensong & Benediction. Daily Mass and Office. Confessions: Thursday 6.15 pm, or by appointment. Parish Priest: Fr David Lashbrooke 01803 329054
WALSALL, St.Gabriel’s, Fullbrook, ABC. Walstead Road, Walsall, off Junc.7 or 9 of M6. Sunday Mass – 8am, Solemn 10am, 5.30pm, Sung Prayer Book Evensong 6.30pm. Daily Mass. Fr.Coyne SSC 01 922 622583
WEDNESBURY, West Midlands, S.James. ABC, FiF, DSCR. Sundays LM 9.00 am Sung Mass 9.45 am (vCW). For further information, eg. daily Mass times, ring 0121 505 1188. 5 mins from J9 M6 (car) or B’ham/Wolv’n tram (foot). PP: Preb Ian B Cook SSC.
WELLINGBOROUGH, St Mary the Virgin, Knox Road (near BR station). A Forward in Faith Parish under the episcopal care of the Bishop of Richborough. Sunday Mass at 10.30am. Daily Mass and Office. Phone the PP for more information: Fr Robert Farmer SSC, (01933) 225626.
WESTON super MARE, All Saints with St.Saviour, All Saints Road. Sunday 8am Mass, 10am Parish Mass. 2nd Sunday 6pm Choral Evensong, 4th Sunday 6pm Complin and Benediction. Tuesday to Friday 10am Daily Mass. Saturday 6pm Vigil Mass. Vicar Fr.Peter Clarke ssc 01 934 623230
YORK All Saints, North Street (opposite Viking Hotel). A Forward in Faith church with traditional rite, Resolutions A,B & C passed. Sunday: Low Mass 11.00 am, Sung or High Mass 5.30pm, Thurs. Low Mass 12.45 pm. Visitors to this Medieval Church are welcome, please telephone in advance. No’s: 01 904 636251 or 632516 or 728122
YORKSHIRE Near Skipton on the road to Colne and Clitheroe. Three rural churches making up the only C parish in the Yorkshire Dales. THORNTON St Mary – 9.15 Sung Mass, modern rite. MARTON St Peter – 10.45 Prayer Book Holy Communion. BROUGHTON All Saints – 19.00 Evensong (1st Sunday of the month – 1549 Mass). Canon Nicholas Turner SSC 01282 842332.