What is Pusey House? What is it for? The House was founded in 1884 shortly after the death of Dr Edward Bouverie Pusey, Regius Professor of Hebrew, Canon of Christ Church, and, along with Keble and Newman, one of the leaders of the Oxford Movement. It was the work of Pusey and the others which recalled the Church of England to its Catholic roots. Our Tractarian forefathers sought a new emphasis on prayer and Sacrament, and taught that the Church of England was part of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church of Christ.

The House was founded by his friends in Dr Pusey’s memory to continue his work of pastoral care and scholarship. That vision continues to be the basis for the work of the House, and her Chapter of three priests. The Offices and the Mass are celebrated daily in Chapel; the young people of the University are prepared for Baptism and Confirmation; confessions are heard regularly. A steady stream of young men of orthodox faith goes forward from among the congregation to seek ordination to the priesthood. The Catholic faith is taught, preached and lived. The Library continues to be a place of study and learning, while the Archive constitutes a world-class resource for research into the origins of the Catholic revival.

Today, Pusey House sees itself at the heart of the Catholic movement in the Church of England. We are poised to be a major resource for the next phase of our journey: a resource for administration, research and hospitality as well as a place of prayer and holiness of life. Now, Pusey House needs you to help us to help you. The House is urgently seeking to build upon its original endowment: generous as it was in its day, it is now an insufficient basis for growth and development as we look to expand our activities. Pusey House is independent, orthodox, and occupies a prime site in the very centre of Oxford. Please read the booklet you will find with your copy of ND, and please subscribe as a member of the Friends of Pusey House. Then come to visit us – why not bring a group from your parish? You will be assured of a warm welcome, and our prayers.