
Many thanks to all those Forward in Faith members who have been so efficient and have sent in their annual subscriptions, following last month’s Treasurer’s Report. We hope that all the rest of you are dealing with your subscriptions as we write, rather than leaving it for so long that we have to incur further costs in sending you a reminder!

This year’s Report (enclosed with last month’s New Directions) is a particularly interesting one and we urge all our members to take the trouble to read it and then give thanks for the very good news it contains! Furthermore, we urge you to follow the example set out therein!

Forms of words for making a bequest to Forward in Faith in your Will

I GIVE to FORWARD IN FAITH of 2A The Cloisters Gordon Square London WC1H 0AG the sum of pounds (£ ) and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Forward in Faith shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor


I GIVE the residue of my estate to FORWARD IN FAITH of 2A The Cloisters Gordon Square London WC1H 0AG and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Forward in Faith shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor

(Members of Forward in Faith Wales / Credo Cymru will find forms of words for making a bequest to Forward in Faith Wales in the latest issue of Province.)

Forward in Faith North America

Please hold in your prayers our brothers and sisters of Forward in Faith North America whose National Assembly takes place at St Vincent’s Cathedral, Bedford, Texas on 24th – 26th June. The Bishop of Fulham, Fr Geoffrey Kirk and the Bishop of Richborough will all be present, representing Forward in Faith UK.

A Date for your Diaries

The Society of the Holy Cross (SSC) was founded by Charles Lowder on 28th February, 1855. As he reflected on the problems facing both the Church and society, he discerned a need for the clergy to commit themselves to a rule of life, in order to serve the Church better and to further the cause of the Kingdom. Today, the Roll of the Society stands at over 1,000 priests worldwide, of whom about 700 work in these islands.

The Master of SSC, Fr David Houlding, is calling all the brethren of the Society throughout the world together in Synod, for a Theological Conference, culminating in a great public celebration of the Society’s 150th Anniversary in the Royal Albert Hall on Saturday, 9th April, 2005 – a celebration to which we are all invited! More details will follow so, for now, book that date in your diaries and make sure that you are in the Albert Hall for the biggest corporate celebration for our integrity since Christ our Future.

And another . . . .

Friday 25th to Sunday 27th June 2004 FiF London
Vocations Weekend at Ascot Priory for those beginning to explore vocations

Further information from Fr Malcolm Gray – 020 8360 2947

Women Bishops and a Free Province

Teaching Days with Fr Geoffrey Kirk

Saturday 19th June at 10.30 am at All Saints, Shrewsbury (Arranged by FiF Wales / Credo Cymru) Please NOTE change of date. Further information: Wendy Burdon, 01792 781268

And, finally, one more date for your diaries

The Forward in Faith National Assembly will take place at The Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, SW1 on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th October 2004.