Stand up for Jesus – When and Where?
All members of Forward in Faith are warmly invited by the Master and members of SSC — the Society of the Holy Cross — to join them in the Royal Albert Hall on Saturday, 9 April, in order to celebrate the 150′” Anniversary of the Society.
It will he a day-long event, starting at 11.00 am (doors open 10.30 am) and concluding with a great Mass of Thanksgiving at 2.00 pm. Before that Mass, there will an exciting rolling programme which will include a Bible Study, something of the history of SSC, a period of silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. And of course, an opportunity to hear the marvellous, and newly-restored Royal Albert Hall organ! The day is expected to conclude around 4.30 pm.
Stand up for Jesus – How?
All tickets are just 4;10 each — even those in the boxes! — and are available online at www. or by phone from the Royal Albert Hall Box Office on 020 7589 8212.
Priests wishing to concelebrate must by their tickets from the Forward in Faith Office at 2A The Cloisters, Gordon Square. London WC1H 0AG. Please write, enclosing a cheque for £10 payable to SSC.
SSC priests will all, of course, have already booked! But just in case one has overlooked the matter, he should contact Canon Beau Brandie at: