Lost Property

Is there a Forward in Faith priest out there who is finding his New Directions difficult to read? Perhaps he left his spectacles in Holy Trinity, Prince Consort Road on the day of the great Stand up for Jesus celebration! We’d be delighted to reunite priest and glasses, if he gives the FiF Office a call on 020 7388 3588.

That time of year again!

Forward in Faith members will find enclosed with this month’s copy of New Directions our Treasurer’s Report for the year to 31st December, 2004, together with Renewal Forms for all those who pay their subscription other than by Banker’s Order. Each year, we ask you to save Forward in Faith money by paying your subscription now, rather than leaving it for so long that we have to incur further costs in sending you a reminder, and each year we send out yet further reminders! As we move into top gear in our struggle for adequate provision for those faithful members of the Church of England who are in conscience unable to receive the ordination of women as bishops or priests, we need every penny we can lay our hands on. Please do your bit in that struggle by paying what is due – and perhaps a little more! – as soon as you are able.

Some Dates for your diary:

Saturday 21st May 2005

FiF Scotland Festival of Faith and Annual General Meeting in Holy Trinity Church, Dunfermline begins with Solemn Mass at 12.30pm, Chief Concelebrant and Preacher: Bishop David Thomas, Provincial Assistant Bishop of the Church in Wales. Mass will be followed by Lunch, which will be followed by the AGM

Further information: Michael Thrusfield, michael@thrusfield.freeserve.co.uk or Fr David McHardy, cinture@aol.com

Saturday 4th June 2005

FiF London Annual Pilgrimage to Boulogne Cathedral. It begins at 12.00 noon with Concelebrated Mass – Principal Concelebrant: The Bishop of Fulham, Preacher: Fr Shaun Richards, Vicar of S Silas, Pentonville. A good day out with time to enjoy French cuisine and shopping!

Coaches will be leaving from points all over London or you can make your own way there by car and ferry or Channel tunnel. Further information from Gill James, 020 8866 2035 or Fr Malcolm Gray, 020 8360 2947.

Friday 21st and

Saturday 22nd October 2005

The 12th Forward in Faith National Assembly will take place at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, SW1.