Double Celebration
We trust that the historic Church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn, in Brooke Street, London EC1, just around the corner from Chancery Lane tube station, will be packed out at 12.00 noon on Saturday, 16 July for the Solemn Concelebrated Mass to mark both the Tenth Anniversary of the See of Richborough and the Tenth Anniversary of the episcopal ordination of Bishop Edwin Barnes. Bishop Edwin will be the Principal Concelebrant and his successor, Bishop Keith Newton, will be the preacher. The Mass is followed by a Buffet Lunch – admission by ticket only, price £8, to be booked in advance from Bishop Keith’s office on 020 8505 7259, or by e-mail to
Vocations Conference
The Catholic Societies of the Church of England are running a Vocations Conference for men exploring priesthood at St Stephens House, Oxford, from Friday 9th to Sunday 11th September 2005. Further information: Fr Jeff Woolnough – 020 8597 7443
Exploring the Religious Life . . .
. . . is another Vocations Conference for women and men interested in the Religious Life taking place at St Edward’s House, Westminster over the weekend of 23/25 September under the auspices of RooT. The final date for applications is 15 August and those interested should contact Fr Peter Huckle SSJE on 020 7222 9234 or by e-mail to
National Assembly
The 12th Forward in Faith National Assembly will take place at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, SW1 on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 October 2005. Book the date in your diary now! Fuller details will be emerging any day now.
New Directions e-mail
Please note that New Directions now has four dedicated e-mail addresses. For subscription enquiries, changes of address, and the like, please use:
To contact the Editor – letters for publication, the submission of unsolicited articles etc, please use:
To contact the compilers of 30 Days:
And for all other enquiries:
Forward in Faith Australia . . .
is holding its National Assembly from Thursday, 10 November at 7:30 pm until Saturday, 12 November at 3:30 pm at Christ Church, O’Halloran Hill, South Australia. New Directions readers Down Under might want to be there – readers elsewhere will want to pray for FiF Australia at this taxing time.
Forward in Faith North America
Hard on the heels of FiF Australia’s Assembly comes FiF North America’s National Assembly on Sunday 13 to Tuesday 15 November in Pittsburgh. American New Directions readers will want to be there, and all the rest of us will want hold FiFNA in our prayers over these days.