The following resolutions were passed by the 2005 Forward in Faith National Assembly:
2005/01 This Assembly congratulates Societas Sanctae Crucis (the Society of the Holy Cross) on its 150th anniversary and thanks the Master General and his brethren for the privilege of being able to share in their celebrations.
Proposed by the Fr Geoffrey Kirk
Seconded by Sister Anne Williams, CA
2005/02 This Assembly congratulates the Editor of New Directions on the continued excellence of that journal and asks him to convey to all involved in its production the grateful thanks of Forward in Faith, and to his predecessor similar gratitude for all that she did during her tenure as Editor.
Proposed by Fr Ian Brooks
Seconded by Fr Ronald Crane
2005/03 This Assembly thanks Fr Len Black for all his work as Webmaster of and, in particular, congratulates him on the continued development of the site since he took charge of it.
Proposed by Fr Beau Brandie
Seconded by Fr Ronald Crane
2005/04 This Assembly asserts that, in order for the Church of England to proceed with the ordination of women as bishops, a one clause measure, even with a code of practice, will be inadequate to meet the needs of those who remain opposed to the innovation and invites the House of Bishops to consider that there is now no alternative to a structural solution as set out in the draft measure contained in Consecrated Women?
Proposed by Fr David Houlding
Seconded by Mrs Mary Nagel
Resolutions 2005/05 to 2005/13 inclusive each read as follows: This Assembly accepts the Forward in Faith Council’s proposal, numbered N on the Order Paper, as an integral part of the Assembly’s policy to secure the structural solution to which it committed itself in Resolution 2004/11. The proposals concerned are as follows:
That parishes will work to establish a free province by securing episcopal oversight from bishops from the Church of England or elsewhere who are willing to provide it.
That the Council takes steps, in consultation with the PEVs, to appoint Forward in Faith’s own regional Missioners/Evangelists, who will, inter alia, take responsibility in their region for Forward in Faith’s ministry to children and young people.
That the Council take steps, in consultation with the PEVs, to carry out a formal audit of the strengths and weaknesses (financial and otherwise) of the Forward in Faith constituency and to draw up appropriate action plans.
That the Council set up a Steering Group, charged with the task of implementing a number of small working parties, each responsible for examining one aspect of the life of a new province, in such areas as Vocations, Theological Training, Ecumenism, Governance, Clustering, Lay Training, Finance, Schools and Chaplaincies.
That the Forward in Faith Council should seek Counsel’s Opinion as to the employment status in law (not only as it stands at present but also taking into account proposed future amendment to it) of both beneficed and unbeneficed clergy and, in particular, whether a claim for Constructive Dismissal might be successful, in the event that women are consecrated as bishops and no adequate provision is made for those who dissent.
That the Forward in Faith Council should seek Counsel’s Opinion as to the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on the relationship between the Church of England and Parliament.
That the Council and members should now commence a process of lobbying individual members of the Ecclesiastical Committee of Parliament with regard to the inclusion of adequate provision for members of Forward in Faith in the legislation to permit the ordination of women as bishops.
That the Council prepare, by way of contingency, an application to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to the effect that such provision as may be proposed by the House of Bishops to the General Synod should be referred to his Panel of Reference, for adjudication as to its adequacy.
That the Forward in Faith Council should seek to determine whether provision offered to those opposed to the ordination of women as bishops might properly be subject to Judicial consideration.
2005/14 This Assembly:
humbly petitions the Archbishop of Central Africa to lift the suspension on the Reverend Dennis Kayamba, and to restore him to full ministry.
welcomes the newly formed Forward in Faith constituency in Central Africa, sends warmest greetings to its members ands looks forward to it becoming a full member of Forward in Faith International in due course.
Proposed by Fr Robin Ellis
Seconded by Fr Sam Philpott