Money matters
Recipients of New Directions who are also members of Forward in Faith will have received in this issue a copy of the Annual Report by Cyril Wood, our Honorary Treasurer.
Since the foundation of Forward in Faith in November 1992, we have raised over £3 million, and spent on our work in excess of £2.5 million and it is a measure of Cyril’s care for our finances that we are in such good health and so well-equipped to face the struggle ahead.
But we will only stay in good health financially if our members continue their generous giving in the years ahead.
So please do read Cyril’s report, study the summary accounts which he has supplied and then act where necessary, as follows:
v If you are on a limited income and have been granted membership without payment by the Council of Forward in Faith, there is nothing that you need do, except of course to continue to hold Forward in Faith in your prayers.
v If you are accustomed to paying your subscription each year by cheque, or credit card or debit card, please make your payment now and save us the expense of having to issue you with a further reminder later in the year. Such reminders cost money and distract the Forward in Faith staff from their primary task of furthering our corporate agenda!
v If you pay annually in this way, why not consider executing a Banker’s Order? You would not need to remember to pay in the future, and we would not be put to the expense of sending you a reminder!
v For those who already pay by Banker’s Order, a plea! If you are happy with the amount you are currently paying, then we are happy too! So there is absolutely no need for you to complete another Banker’s Order form, giving your bank the details which they already have! It is a waste of your time, and of our money!
v But if you believe that it is time your giving to Forward in Faith was reviewed and increased, please do fill in a new form and send it to us as soon as possible. It is some years now since our subscriptions were last increased, and this is because so very many of our members have ensured that their subscriptions have kept pace with inflation. Thank you all for your support in the past and please keep up the good work!
v Finally, if you are a UK tax payer and have not executed a Gift Aid Declaration in favour of Forward in Faith, please do get in touch with Colin Niblett at the Forward in Faith office, in order to correct the omission!
Money does indeed matter and we have many mountains yet to climb. Please be certain to do your bit – preferably today, whilst the thought is still fresh in your mind!