Legislative Drafting Group
The Report of the Legislative Drafting Group, which has been meeting under the chairmanship of the Bishop of Manchester, was reportedly due to be published as this issue of New Directions went to press. All members of Forward in Faith – indeed, all readers of New Directions – are urged to read the report, so as to be well-informed as we enter the next phase of the debate on the ordination of women to the episcopate, with its related questions of ecclesial provision for all those who in conscience will be unable to receive such an innovation.
Upon publication, a link will be available at: www.forwardinfaith.com/ artman/publish/index.shtml – which will lead the reader to an online copy of the Report.
Comment and Analysis
In the days following, comment and analysis from FiF will also appear on the above page of the Forward in Faith Website.
As the debate gathers momentum up to the July Sessions of the General Synod
in York, all members of Forward in Faith are urged to keep themselves in touch with developments. (Most people who don’t have internet access themselves generally know someone else who has!)
Breaking News Alerts
If you haven’t done so already, why not sign up for the email alert service offered on the Website, so that you know as soon as every new story appears on the
website? To sign up for Breaking
News Alerts just go to
http://www.forwardinfaith.com/ news/subscriptions.html
and follow the simple instructions.
Delegate Conference
In the light of the above, there will be a Delegate Conference in Central London on Friday, 6 June 2008, for all of the following:
Members of the Forward in Faith Council
Members of the Forward in Faith College of Deans
All Lay and Clerical Chairmen of Forward in Faith Diocesan Branches
All members of the Catholic Group in General Synod
Each of the above should by now have received information about this most important meeting; any who haven’t should be in touch with the Director of Forward in Faith at Gordon Square: stephen.parkinson@forwardinfaith.com as a matter of urgency.