
I bring you greetings from The Episcopal Church, and from its members in Taiwan, and AAicronesia, and Colombia, and Ecuador, and Venezuela, in the Virgin Islands, in Puerto Rico, in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, in the United States, and from a group of churches in Europe.

Whilst the Anglican Communion is divided on so many issues, and suffering from weak leadership and a loss of nerve, we in The Episcopal Church are united, ever-expanding and on the move.

Despite the repeated claims of neo-Fascist bloggers and the reactionary press, TEC is not shrinking but growing. The recent purchase of the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem during my triumphant pilgrimage, has opened the way to expansion in other areas. Together with my Legal Adviser I have developed a rolling programme of further accessions.

Beginning with the Province of the Southern Cone, the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church will, with recently adopted Canon 666/dclxvi, declare bishops in provinces across the Communion to have ‘abandoned communion with The Episcopal Church. Already a task force of dynamic retired bishops stands ready at a moment’s notice to fly to those provinces and set up a genuine Episcopal presence in any part of the world which refuses to accept women bishops, gay marriages and Gene Robinson.

Some have, I know, criticised this program as (and I quote) the ‘unacceptable face of American Imperialism’, and contrary to our declared policy of radical inclusion. But I assure you today that it is not. Episcopalians have learned from bitter experience that you cannot be truly inclusive until divisive elements have been radically excluded. And that is what we propose to do.

Of course, it would have been better if we had been able to pursue our aims by less drastic action. But the precedent of the Louisiana Purchase 1803 in the unfolding history of our Great /\lation) has proved unfruitful. Attempts to buy African provinces with generous aid packages have had less success than we anticipated. In our pursuit of inclusive pansexuality and the Millennium Development Goals it appears that only the expansion of TEC to every continent of the globe will achieve our ultimate aims. Following another precedent from American history, we are now determined on regime change wherever that is needed.

Shalom! Shalom!