A fool and his money…
Well, it might only be September, but its not too early to start thinking about Christmas presents for the special person in your life. For the man who has everything, how about The Pope’s Cologne?
The Popes Cologne is a classic Old World cologne made from the private formula of Pope Pius IX (1792-1878). We obtained this formula from descendants of the commander of his Papal Guard and lifelong friend, General Charles Charette. We have followed this complex, exclusive formula meticulously, using the same essential oils that his perfumers used 150 years ago.
We believe that we have succeeded in capturing the same fragrance that he and those around him enjoyed so long ago. This is a truly extraordinary cologne with surprising freshness and notes of violet and citrus. We are pleased that you will have the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful, historic fragrance. It is an honour for us to be able to produce it and make it available for your pleasure today. Available at just $32 a bottle from Excelsis Fine Fragrances of California (where else?) – just go to
…are easily parted
Of course, $32 is a lot to spend on someone, particularly if they’re not that special. So, how about just $24.99? Yes, that’s all it will take to purchase a Stonemarkers Kit from
How to use your stonemarkers kit: God is active in your life -when you recognize that activity, simply move stones from the canvas bag to your jar, and record in the journal all that God is doing in your journey. As the stones are added to your jar they become physical reminders that God is involved in your life. A stonemarkers kit is a simple yet powerful way to record, remember and pass on your personal history with God.
Your stonemarkers journal is the perfect size (4′ x 6′) to encourage you to briefly mark how God has revealed himself to you. With sturdy covers and rich paper, the journal waits for you to pen your very personal story of God. A natural canvas bag filled will polished river stones and pebbles that will represent God’s activity in your life. A simple, yet unique French square jar (16 oz.) with black metal closure. The clear jar displays your pebbles and stones so that you don’t lose sight of all that God has done – both big and small.
Your stonemarkers can become an inheritance that you pass on to shape a future heart that will seek the face of the Lord your God.
Art at the cutting edge
Off to Glasgow now, where a couple of exhibits caught 30Days’ eye at Made in God’s Image, a recent exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art. First, there was a video by one Roxanne Claxton, in which she was seen ripping pages out of the Bible and stuffing them in her knickers and bra, and in her mouth.
Apparently, the film showed the word as power,’ explained artist Anthony Schrag.
‘Roxanne gave a performance where she ate a Bible and it became part of her.’
That was as nothing, though, alongside the item Untitled2009, which was proposed by the Metropolitan Community Church (which celebrates ‘racial, cultural, linguistic, sexual, gender and theological diversity’). It seems that the idea was to reclaim the Bible as a sacred text – next to an open Bible was a container of pens and a notice saying:
‘If you feel you have been excluded from the Bible, please write your way back into it.’ And they did.
The Times reported that visitors daubed its pages with comments such as ‘This is all sexist pish, so disregard it all,’ ‘I am Bi, Female & Proud. I want no god who is disappointed in this,’ and, of course, ‘F**k the Bible! Jane Clarke, a minister of the community church, said she regretted the insults that had appeared. ‘The Bible should never be used like that,’ she is quoted as saying. Yes. Quite.
Churches should try harder to make bald and overweight people feel welcome, according to a new book published last month. Apparently, they should be regarded as worshippers with special needs alongside the blind, the deaf, breast-feeding mothers, very short people, and readers of tabloid newspapers’ – but not, presumably, those who oppose the ordination of women…
Impact Media PR, which utilised Manchester Cathedral for a fashion showlastyear, has nowbeen appointed as the preferred supplier to manage events held there.
The decision to exploit the building commercially is apparently based in part on the fact that:
the cathedral space is flexible and adaptable, able to provide seated dinners for 800 people or drinks receptions for more than 1,000.’
Sunday lunch, anyone?
Sunday lunch, anyone?
Copy for 30 Days should reach the FiF office by the 10th day of the month: