If you pay your subscription to Forward in faith by any other method than Bankers Order, you naturally run the risk of overlooking your payment one year and not realizing that you have done so until your New Directions mysteriously stops arriving!
Those who have not yet paid their subscription for 2009 will already have received a reminder in the post. If they ignore this reminder, this will be the last New Directions they see until they put their house in order! So please save us the trouble of not sending you the first New Directions of 2010 and make sure that you’re in touch with us by no later than Monday, 14th December!
And, whilst you’re at it, why not consider taking out a Banker’s Order in favour of Forward in Faith? It really is the cheapest and most efficient way of making sure that your membership of Forward in Faith never runs out!
And, at this historic juncture in the history of our Church, the last thing any of you need is to fall out of the loop and stop receiving New Directions each month!
Office Closure
The Forward in Faith Office will be closed from 12.00 noon on Friday, 18th December until 9.00 am on Monday, 4th January, whilst our staff enjoy a well-deserved break for Christmas and the New Year.
Forms of words for making a bequest to Forward in Faith in your 1
I GIVE to FORWARD IN FAITH of 2A The Cloisters, Gordon Square, London WC1H0AG the sum of pounds (£ ) and I DIRECT
that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Forward in Faith shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor or
I GIVE the residue of my estate to FORWARD IN FAITH of 2A The Cloisters, Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AG and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Forward in Faith shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor
Talking of which …
A very happy Christmas indeed to all the members of Forward in Faith and warmest thanks to the hundreds of you who are kind enough to send Christmas Cards to our offices; they really are appreciated!