Before vanishing into the Norfolk wilderness (see his blog) Ed Tomlinson offers a swift round-up of some current cyber-subjects
What was to be gleaned from blogs this March? I say March because Holy Week and Easter, and then Easter Week and some necessary space after that, have me writing earlier than usual. We kick off on home soil with a roundup from the Orthodox Catholics.
Over at
I am writing asking all the readers to join me in praying for the Holy Father who is undoubtedly under great pressure, and perhaps under siege, due to the recent attacks from all around… I believe that this present Pope is a great blessing to the entire Church around the world. His love for Jesus, the Church and unity of the Bride of Christ ought to at least enable us to ask God to uphold him in these troubling times.
I am certain every reader of this fine rag would agree.
Our ‘Maltese Minister’, one Fr Aquilina, has continued to widen the scope of our vision. For those unfamiliar with the
it becomes evident that it is a socially accepted prejudice to be anti-Christian. I see this even here at home. It is never too late to do something about it… This is where we need to stand up on our feet and be counted. I always believed.. .that the worst enemy for Christians are spineless Christians.
Hear, hear, Father. Thank goodness the Anglican communion remains so resolutely steadfast in its defence of true faith…
Elsewhere Fr Pinnock was amongst those reflecting on the news item most extensively covered across all the religious blogs at
The Holy Father told a simple truth; the spread of sexually related disease is not stopped by condoms, but rather by chastity and self-restraint. Simple adherence to the traditional Christian teaching on sexuality; chastity before and during marriage, loving celibacy by all unable to marry would halt all the damage created by the ‘sexual revolution it would heal much that is damaged in our culture and restore human respect for self and others.
In the professional blogs Ruth Gledhill at The Times
In contrast the ever fierce Damian Thomson of the Telegraph
That covers the conservative and professional blogs for this month. If your own hasn’t been mentioned, fret not! We return next month with further news from the more exotic end of the Anglican spectrum.
But we are not done on blogs yet, for now we turn to the liberal end of the market. What have the multi-coloured stole brigade been posting about this month?
Amongst the more informative liberal blogs is
It is in these comments that you gain a good sense of what we are up against. I particularly enjoyed this gem posted by someone called ‘Wilf in response to an article unveiling the new Revision Committee for the draft legislation enabling women to become bishops in the Church of England:
It looks rather disproportionately weighted towards opponents of women bishops. This I don’t understand… I worry that we will end up with the sort of institutionalised schism that they want and many of us fear.
Disproportionately weighted in favour, Wilf??? How is 5 opponents out of 19 (and 1 Bishop out of 4) possibly seen like that? I am tempted to offer Wilf an elementary mathematics textbook, poor soul. Now remind me: who claims to be the thinking Anglicans?