Forward in Faith and the Future
The Forward in Faith Council, meeting last month at All Saints Pastoral Centre, London Colney, passed three resolutions of note, which we reproduce here in order that there be no confusion about the position the Council is taking with regard to the corporate future of its members.
This Council commits itself to unstinting support of all the members of Forward in Faith during this difficult time as we collectively and individually endeavour to discern our futures.
This Council resolves to do all that it can to secure the best possible Catholic representation on the General Synod in its next quinquennium and strongly urges all members of Forward in Faith to play their part in those elections.
This Council thanks those amongst its number who are members of the Revision Committee and assures them of its continued and whole-hearted support.
The commitment of Forward in Faith to securing equitable provision for those members of the Church of England unable in conscience to receive the sacramental ministry of women priests and bishops remains as determined in 2010 as it has ever been, notwithstanding the extremely welcome and generous provision offered late last year by Pope Benedict XVI in the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus. Forward in Faith now looks to the General Synod of the Church of England to be no less generous than the Holy Father in this matter.
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Those who have not yet paid their subscription for 2009 will already have received a reminder in the post. And if they ignored or overlooked the reminder, they won’t be reading this – unless they read it online and thus discover that they are being talked about! ND