Forward in Faith members – whatever their views on the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus! – are urged to take time (if they have internet access) to listen to some or all of the proceedings of the recent excellent Conference An Exploration of Anglican Patrimony held at Pusey House, Oxford.

Recordings are available at The following papers were delivered:

Anglican Patrimony:
A Catholic historian’s perspective
Professor Eamon Duffy
Professor of the History of Christianity, Fellow, Director of Studies, Magdalene College, Cambridge

The Anglican Tradition of Moral Theology
The Revd Canon Dr Robin Ward
Principal, S.Stephen’s House, Oxford

The Church of England: Parochial and Pastoral
The Revd Philip North
Rector, Old S.Pancras Team Ministry, London

Canon Law: A comparative study
The Revd David Ackerman
Priest in Charge, Sherborne, Windrush, the Barringtons and Aldsworth, Gloucester