Lest we forget. Many are worried that this month’s session of General Synod in York will pave the way for their ejection from the church of their birth; they are not all old. There are our children and grand-children as well, who deserve a safe and honoured place in their church. Not as many as we might wish, but members of Synod are debating and voting for them as well.

The Ebbsfleet Children and Young People’s Eucharistic Festival took place last Saturday, 12 June, at the Brean Leisure Park near Weston-super-Mare. Some 380 children and young people and over 200 adults were present from the West Midlands and parts of the West Country. The day began with a sung Eucharist; during the afternoon, the participants enjoyed the facilities of the Leisure Park; and the day closed with Benediction. ND