Before Christmas a major travel agent, hit by recession, asked staff to entice folk into its shops. Came the Big Freeze and the lasses could drop their hems and deal with the rush of bookings from those wishing to escape the British climate. Bookings were also driven by fears that the pound could fall further. Some sun-seekers were not tempted. ‘Wait until the last minute. That’s when you get the real bargains.’

Yet there were many who, despite the lack of 2009’s promised ‘barbecue summer’, found that staying put wasn’t so bad after all – FiF’s Director has hymned the good food of Cornwall in Forward Plus. His own foodie fiesta on Channel 4 when FiF goes backwards?

Reminiscent of the CofE, except that the decisiveness of Anglicanism’s wanna-get-aways isn’t as obvious as that of the sun-seekers.

If the Ordinariate Special Offer is so good, why aren’t the biretta brigade booking up straight away, singing ‘E Viva Romana’? Can they be waiting for an even better last minute deal? One offering no need to dump the lace trimmings at the local charity shop. No need to become as low church as St Aloysius – worship songs and no incense.

Would the Pilgrim Fathers (sorry for the Protty reference, fathers) have not set sail until Walmart was offering oven-ready turkeys for the first Thanksgiving?

Whatever the reason for the delay, spare us more ‘Shall I, shan’t I?’ blogs. Remember the bore who’s always going to emigrate – Britain’s had it – and ten years later is still propping up the same bar, probably with the same drink.

Equally Anglican staycationers must be prepared for the climate to worsen. Always does (whatever TV weather girls promise). Our weather’s said to come from America. As surely as Trick or Treat, so too will come Hurricane Katherine.

Are Thomas Cook yet selling Virgin’s cut price ‘Trips to the Moon’?