The spring has seen the return to our television screens of the teen-angst-filled version of this magazine Glee, whose vocal group New Directions are proving popular with listeners young and old. Sadly your editorial team are not to be found expressing themselves through the medium of song and dance. There will be no chorus of ‘I want to be in America’ (have you seen TEC – proprietor Mrs Jefferts-Schori?) and certainly no rendition of anything by Miss Britney Spears (I mean an entire episode was dedicated to her songs, what a waste!). We might muster a quick rendition of ‘Maybe this time’ as we look forward to the future.

Last time New Directions only mustered third place in the Regional competition. As we look forward in faith we know that the proposals for SSWSH cannot afford to fail. To the bishops of SSWSH we look forward to ‘getting to know you’ through the pages of this magazine and hope you will ‘consider yourself at home and one of us’.

This time round New Directions and her readers cannot afford simply to ‘dream a dream’ as we did in ‘days gone by’.

We might be forced to ‘dream the impossible dream’ but we like the young vocalists need to win this our final challenge so that we can build a future for our children and grandchildren. As my school headmaster used to say ‘you have entered a great race and it is a race you cannot afford to lose’ – I will be avidly watching Glee in the hope New Directions finally win despite all of the teenage dramas and will be looking to SSWSH in the hope her leaders can offer something new.

Petra Robinson ND