Lead kindly light…
To submit to the Church means this; first that you will receive as de fide whatever she proposes de fide; that you will submit to the decisions of Schola Theologorum, when unanimous in matters of faith and morals, as being so sure that it is forbidden to contradict them –that you obey the commands of the Church in act and deed, though as a matter of policy prudence etc. you may think that other commands would be better. You are not called on to believe de fide any thing but what has been promulgated as such –You are not called on to exercise an internal belief of any doctrine which Sacred Congregations,
Local Synods, or particular Bishops, or the Pope as a private Doctor, may enunciate. You are not called upon ever to believe or act against the moral law, at the command of any superior.
from The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, xx, p.545