Forward in Faith National Asssembly

The following important resolution was passed nem. con. at last month’s FiF National Assembly:

This Assembly, recognizing the variety of sincerely-held convictions amongst the members of Forward in Faith, commits itself to the prayerful support in every way both of those who are exploring the generous provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus as well as those who are committed to remaining in the Church of England and achieving proper and adequate arrangements for all who in conscience dissent from the ordination of women as bishops or priests.

Society of S.Wilfrid & S.Hilda

Members of Forward in Faith who wish also to join this new Society launched last month may do so either online at, or by downloading, printing and completing the form to be found at, or by using the form on this page and returning it to:

SSWSH, 2A The Cloisters, Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AG.

Membership is at present free of charge.

Forms of words for making a bequest to Forward in Faith in your Will

I GIVE to FORWARD IN FAITH of 2A The Cloisters, Gordon Square, London WC1 H 0AG the sum of pounds (£ ) and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Forward in Faith shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor . . . . or:

I GIVE the residue of my estate to FORWARD IN FAITH of 2A The Cloisters, Gordon
Square, London WC1H 0AG and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other
proper officer of Forward in Faith shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor