From Major D. R. Wilson
I read the article in your issue of March 2011 by Father Peter Mullen with great interest. We too, are staying in the Church of England to ‘fight our corner’. If, years ago, some bishops and priests had not scuttled off to Rome, but thought of their congregations and flocks rather than their own consciences by staying to fight their corner, we, faithful Anglicans and indeed, the Church of England which we love so well, might not be in the mess in which we find ourselves today. I was baptised into ‘The Established Catholic Church of England’ exactly 91 years ago at St Gabriel’s, Plymouth and confirmed 80 years ago at St Stephen’s Lewisham. We should reflect upon what we owe our Church today. Does the word ‘loyalty’ spring to mind, and not only our Church but to Her Majesty the Queen?
Denys Wilson
14 Constable Way, West Harnham, Salisbury SP2 8LN
From The Reverend Alan Cooke
With pious unction Ed Tomlinson compares the journey of those entering the new Ordinariate with the journey of Jesus to his crucifixion. Without going to any such lengths, I would remind Ed that those who (for the time being at least) have chosen to remain within the Church of England also have their own hardships to bear, hardships which can only increase if suitable provision is not made for them.
Father Alan Cooke, The Vicarage, Milne Street, Chadderton, Oldham OL9 0HR
From Mr John Bayley
As a Roman Catholic, I read with interest in the February edition of New Directions the article you produced on the excerpts from the Homily of the late Pope John Paul II that he gave on the first Divine Mercy Sunday in 2001. Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday after Easter each year. It is wonderful that the Beatification of Pope John Paul II should take place in Rome on Divine Mercy Sunday, the 1st May 2011, when over two million pilgrims are expected in Rome for the Beatification. Leaflets on the Divine Mercy Chaplet can be obtained from the following address: Divine Mercy Publication, Maryville, Skerries, County Dublin, Ireland.
Most people nowadays have Sky television, and if they go to channel 589 they can watch EWTN. On this channel viewers can watch the Daily Mass, The Divine Mercy Chaplet, Stations of the Cross and Benediction and Devotion. More details on the channel can be obtained from the following address: Saint Clare Media (EWTN), PO Box 913, Enfield EN2 0WY, England.
John Bayley
Letters for publication should be sent to:
The Editor, New DirectioNs
2A The Cloisters, Gordon Square
London WC1H 0AG