An update

Amidst the excitement of recent and forthcoming ordinations – diaconal, presbyteral, and episcopal – work has been underway to ensure that the New Oxford Movement continues to grow by building on the success of our March meeting. Edited versions of papers given at that meeting have appeared in New Directions, as have other articles inspired more or less directly by the Movement.

Another group meeting will take place in July, at which the Archdeacon of Hampstead will speak, and at which we hope to commit ourselves to more definite and visible ways of supporting the catholic movement. One such way which we already have planned is a much larger meeting in Oxford on Saturday 10 September 2011, to which we are keen to invite all traditionalists under the age of 40.

This meeting will consist of two parts: the morning session will be shared with the Vocations Conference taking place at St Stephen’s House, and will culminate with a key-note address by the Bishop of Horsham, the Rt Revd Mark Sowerby.

This will be followed by Mass, after which lunch will be available at Pusey House. In the afternoon there will be further exploration and discussion of the ways in which we can contribute to the catholic life of the Church of England.

The September meeting will be free to participants, and lunch will be provided. More details about arrangements will appear soon. However, in the meantime, we would like to urge all those who hope to attend this meeting to register their interest by emailing: as soon as possible. Please also publicize this meeting as widely as you can, and encourage friends and parishioners to attend.

Nobody listening to John Keble’s Assize sermon on 14 July 1833, or reading the early Tracts for the Times that followed, would have thought for a moment that they would give birth to an entirely new movement in the life of the Church, reawakening her to her catholic and apostolic nature. The time is ripe for another such reawakening. Please support us! ND