Colin Podmore is Roger Greenacre’s literary executor.

Neal Wood is a member of the Governing Body of the Church in Wales and a Member of the Order of Our Lady of Walsingham.

Margaret Brown is the Chairman of The Third Province Movement. She writes,

‘There is no formal membership of The Third Province Movement, but you are urged to indicate your support, in principle for a Third Province within the Church of England, by sending a stamped addressed envelope to The Third Province Movement, Luckhurst,

Mayfield, East Sussex, TN20 6TY, so that you can be kept informed. Donations are welcome to help cover the costs of our work.’

On Friday 30th September, Fr Simon Morris (left – with megaphone) is to be inducted as Vicar of the parish where he now serves as Assistant Curate: St Mary the Virgin, Lansdowne Road, with the Good Shepherd, Mitchley Road, Tottenham.

We are sure readers will join us in offering our congratulations to Canon Jeremy Winston (right) as he is installed as Dean of Newport Cathedral in the Diocese of Monmouth on 10th September. Canon Winston is a member of the Council of the Additional Curates Society.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that the invitation to St George’s Headstone, to celebrate the centenary of their beautiful church, in last month’s NEw DirEctions asked “robbing clergy to inform the parish in advance”. The parish have written to say ‘We acknowledge that the request that robbing clergy inform us in advance was unreasonable. We will, however, be keeping a close eye on goods and chattels.’ A revised advert appears on page 25 of this edition and we send our apologies to the people of St George’s for not spotting the error sooner.

We are most grateful to Graham Howard for his permission to use many of his photographs from Walsingham and beyond. ND