Chris Sugden was Registrar of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies from 1983-2001 and executive director from 2001-2004.

Andrew Hammond is Minor Canon and Succentor of St Paul’s; from September he will be Vicar of St Mary Willesden, the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden.

Elise Gallagher listens to Lady Gaga in the Diocese of Chichester.

William Davage is the Chaplain at Christ the King, Gordon Square.

Allan Barton serves in the Diocese of Norwich and writes on matters ecclesiological.

Francis Gardom asks us to correct a mistake in his email address in the last edition of New Directions, to contact him please use this e-mail address:

Thank you once again to Tyler Hill and Graham Howard for supplying photographs for this edition of NEw DirEcTions.

Congratulations to Father Harry Hopkins SSC RD RNR (below) who marked his Ruby Jubilee of Ordination to the priesthood on Saturday 26th May at St. Pauls Church North Thornaby. Ad multos annos, Father.

An apology: a photograph of Fr Michael Bailey appeared in last month’s New Directions. We apologise to Fr Bailey, who is not a member of Forward in Faith, for any offence or distress that was caused.

And finally a correspondent from Facebook informs us that during a recent conversation the Bishop of Port Moresby, The Right Reverend Peter Ramsden was heard to say “It must be true – I read it in New Directions”. Thank you, father, we like to think so. ND