2012 National Assembly

The following Resolutions were passed by the 2012 National Assembly:


This Assembly, noting that the present Archbishop of Canterbury has observed that ‘the Church of England would be less than itself’, if it did not include traditional Catholics and Evangelicals, and mindful of the Gospel imperative that we should at all times strive to attain full visible unity between all Catholic Christians, urges the Bishops of The Society to secure a continuing ecclesial future for all who may turn to them, in the event that the proposed legislation before the General Synod to attempt the ordination of women as bishops is passed.

Proposed by the Council of Forward in Faith


This Assembly congratulates all concerned on the recent highly successful Vocations Conference at S.Stephen’s House and

urges all members of Forward in Faith to continue to pray for vocations to the Sacred Ministry and the Religious Life; and urges lay members of Forward in Faith to ensure
that their parish clergy are committed to frequent teaching and preaching on the theme of vocations.
Proposed by the Council of Forward in Faith


Notwithstanding recent moves by members of the House of Bishops to improve it, this Assembly regards the draft Measure to permit the ordination of women as bishops as unfit for purpose, in as much as it fails to provide the promised honoured place in the Church of England to which our members are entitled. It therefore calls upon the members of the General Synod to reject the draft Measure now before them, in order that a more measured approach, capable of providing for all of Her Majesty’s subjects in the Church of England, might be taken by a future Synod.

Proposed by the Council of Forward in Faith


This Assembly reiterates that a code of practice cannot adequately provide for those loyal members of the Church of England who are unable in conscience to receive the ordination of women as bishops or priests, and reminds the Church of England that acceptable episcopal oversight incorporating the necessary degree of sacramental assurance was the hallmark of a number of proposals in the past which traditionalists could have embraced, not least that set out in the pages of Consecrated Women? (Jonathan Baker [ed.], Canterbury Press, 2004).

Proposed by the Council of Forward in Faith