The Director of FiF
Stephen Parkinson, the Director of Forward in Faith since 1993, retires at the end of this month. He will be succeeded at Easter by Dr Colin Podmore, currently Clerk to the General Synod of the Church of England.
Stephen has kindly agreed to keep a watching brief over a number of areas during the first three months of 2013, but general oversight of the Forward in Faith Office at Gordon Square will be in the hands of the Director’s Assistant, Colin Niblett.
Colin can be contacted by email at:
or by telephone during office hours on
020 7388 3588
Please feel free to be in touch with him whatever the issue, and he will be delighted to answer your queries or, if necessary, pass them on to one of the Elected Officers of Forward in Faith.
Delete email address!
(Please note that Stephen’s email address will no longer be operative from 31st December, so please delete it from your address books!)
A long and happy retirement
We are sure that members of Forward in Faith will want to wish Stephen, and Jo his wife (who is also retiring from her post as the Bishop of Richborough’s Secretary), a long and happy retirement in North Norfolk. The consensus is that we may not
have seen the last of him!
A happy and blessed Christmas
The Chairman, Officers and Staff of Forward in Faith wish all readers of New Directions a very happy and blessed Christmas.