The Society officially came into being on 18th July 2011. The Bishops of The Society who were present at a meeting on that date unanimously agreed to adopt the Constitution now displayed on this website. All who have registered their interest are now members of The Society unless, of course, they should wish to withdraw. The two bishop protectors remain the Bishop of Blackburn and the Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe. I continue to act as bishop co-ordinator. Those who are ex officio members of the Bishops’ Council as described in the constitution are delighted that Bishops Lindsay Urwin, Robert Ladds, Roger Jupp and Michael Nazir-Ali have accepted an invitation to serve with them.
In many parts of the country our membership is beginning to organise itself around its local bishop of The Society. Some traditionalist chapters have now renamed themselves as the local diocesan chapters of The Society. Within the framework of the agreed constitution it is important for each area, under its local Society Bishop, to organise its life as most appropriate for it. This website will be glad to give news of local initiatives, and endeavour to keep members up to date.
X Martyn Beverley