The Appeal has had a flying start. So far (May 7th) twenty-two donors have contributed £795 and this gives a projected 5-year total of £4,954! Both figures take account of Gift Aid.
This means that the Trustees are in a position immediately to make a number of disbursements. This Article is to provide guidance for those who might wish to apply.
The Appeal exists to commemorate the late Bishop John Richards by furthering his objective of turning orthodox parishes into Centres of Excellence. In considering whether an applicant parish would be consonant with Bishop John’s test of orthodoxy and the promotion of such excellence, we will look to see, for example, which of Resolutions A, B & C have been passed, or whether the parish is registered with Forward in Faith.
The Appeal makes modest grants and loans via Parochial Church Councils towards promoting such excellence. Initially they will be of sums between fifty and two-hundred pounds.
Anything associated with Bishop John’s name should have a certain dynamism about it – a more dynamic person would be hard to imagine! Since other grant-making bodies make generous donations towards vestments and furnishings such objects will lie outside the scope of the Fund
However, the Fund would, for instance, consider such things as:
paying towards a speaker’s expenses at a local teaching-event; providing security equipment to enable a church to remain open on weekdays; buying portable audio-equipment for accompanying hymn-singing; or making a financial contribution to enable a parish representative(s) to attend a conference or event whose aim Bishop John would himself have approved and supported.
The above are only intended as guidelines. The Trustees will give careful consideration to any application received in deciding whether, and how much, money should be given or lent. Loans would be interest-free and repayable over a period of five years.
In each case the amount which any Parish, individual or organization is prepared to give or raise on its own behalf will be taken into account.
To apply for a Grant or Loan, please write to:
The Hon. Secretary, Cost of Conscience, 79 Maze Hill, London SE10 8XQ