Sacred Synod
Bookings for the Sacred Synod are coming in thick and fast, but there is a way to go yet! Knowing that some who have received Registration Forms will have put them somewhere safe, for completion later, we are pleased to provide here a copy for you to tear out or photocopy and then complete and return now!
Still that time of year again!
Last month, we distributed to the membership our Treasurer’s Report for the past year, along with Renewal Forms for all those who pay their subscription other than by Banker’s Order. Very many of you have done the necessary, and we do hope that everyone else will do their bit to save Forward in Faith money by paying now, rather than leaving it for so long that we have to incur further costs in sending them a reminder!
Forward in Faith Parish Websites
Does your parish have a website? And, if so, does it have a link to the Forward in Faith Website at If not, please correct the omission! Some parish websites have outdated links to the previous Forward in Faith site – we’d be very grateful if members would cause their Webmasters to do the necessary correction as soon as possible.
And, in preparation for the next stage in the development of, we need from you the URL for your parish website. In due course, we plan to link from our site to all Forward in Faith Parish Websites around the world, and the sooner we can have those addresses the better. Please email them to as soon as you are able.
Eight years on . . .
Who would have thought, sitting in Central Hall in September 1994, that eight years on, we would be planning the Ninth Forward in Faith National Assembly? It takes place at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, SW1 on Friday, 18 and Saturday, 19 October, 2002. It might be too early for you to send in the names of your delegates for the autumn, but it is most emphatically not too early for Forward in Faith Diocesan Assemblies to start thinking about who their delegates might be and what subjects they might hope the Assembly will address. That way, you may be ready to respond, when we decide we do want to hear from you!
Forms of words for making a bequest to Forward in Faith in your Will
I GIVE to FORWARD IN FAITH of Faith House 7 Tufton Street Westminster London SW1P 3QN the sum of pounds (£ ) and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Forward in Faith shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor
I GIVE the residue of my estate to FORWARD IN FAITH of Faith House 7 Tufton Street Westminster London SW1P 3QN and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Forward in Faith shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor.