Central Hall, Westminster, on Saturday 28 January 2006
We are at a critical point in our fight to achieve a proper structural provision for us if the Church of England finally decides, as it probably will, to consecrate women in the episcopate. The general shape of that provision will be decided at the General Synod meeting at the beginning of February.
It is vital then, that we speak and act to together at this time so that those who make the decisions that will affect us are left in no doubt about our determination.
We want you, ordained and lay, to gather in large numbers at Central Hall Westminster on 28 January for Forward in Hope. So please start making arrangements in your parish to bring as many people as possible to London so that together we can express our commitment to the Catholic faith and our continuing witness to it in the Church of England.
X Keith Richborough
I am warmly encouraging you and inviting you to come along on 28 January to Central Hall Westminster at 12.00 noon to join us for Forward in Hope.
We are at a bit of a crossroads in our Catholic pilgrimage. It is a difficult time for the Church of England as we wrestle with the issues of the day. It is vital that we make it plain that proper provision must be made for those of us who maintain the Catholic faith that comes to us from the apostles.
One of the wonderful things we have learnt to do as a pilgrim people these last few years is to support one another and particularly to come together for large events such as this. These events have cheered our spirits, increased our understanding of the issues of the day, and enabled us to make a public profession of our faith. If we are open to his Holy Spirit, God uses these events, I believe, to make us more aware of him, to deepen our love for him and one another, and to further his kingdom.
So, let’s make it a date. Make sure you’ve got the coaches booked and see you there.
X Andrew Ebbsfleet
The gathering in Central Hall Westminster on the 28th January is important for two reasons.
The Roman Catholic response to the Rochester Report has highlighted the further threat to the Catholic heritage of the Church of England, were it to admit women to the episcopate. We must reinforce this message loudly and clearly.
Were the Church of England, nevertheless, to proceed down such a path we could not in conscience embrace such a change. The proper structural provision that we need must then be granted to us.
Our Church must both hear and heed these two key messages. Our January gathering provides an excellent opportunity for advancing such a course. Let us support one another and witness to our Catholic heritage.