The Editorship of New Directions


This issue marks a transition in the editorship of the magazine. When Fr Philip Corbett stepped down as Editor in September 2014, the Bishop of Fulham (then Chairman of Forward in Faith) took on the role – initially, on a temporary basis until a suitable successor could be found. In the event, he has edited nineteen issues. His election to the House of Bishops (and thus also to the General Synod) last autumn has significantly increased his commitments, and he has understandably decided that he cannot continue as Editor.


Under Bishop Jonathan’s editorship, the quality of the magazine has continued to grow, and the range of subjects covered has expanded. New Directions is read, appreciated, and respected well beyond the bounds of the Catholic Movement, and increasingly serves an important function as a forum for discussion of topical issues within the Church of England. On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to thank Bishop Jonathan very warmly for taking on the role back in 2014 and for the important contribution that he has made as Editor. We are grateful that he has agreed to continue as Chairman of the Editorial Board.


I am delighted to announce that Dr Serenhedd James has accepted the role of Editor. He brings not only editorial and journalistic skills, but also the insights of a church historian and musician, as well as a wide range of contacts across the Church of England and beyond it. After a distinguished succession of ordained editors, it is good also that New Directions now has a lay Editor once again. We are very grateful to Dr James for taking on this important role.

✠ Tony Wakefield