New Administrative Assistant

I am delighted to be able to announce the appointment of Mrs Alison Shaw as our new Administrative Assistant. Alison has a very strong background in accountancy and office administration, and for the last 12 years has been the Director and Clerk to the Trustees of the St Andrew Holborn Church Foundation and its Associated Charities. She will be starting with us in January, working three days a week, but has kindly agreed to give me some assistance in the meantime. I am grateful to Ben Fowler, who has also been giving me some support for a day a week during the autumn. Both Alison and Ben will be at the National Assembly on 19 November.


Parish Affiliation to The Society

By mid-October 226 parishes had affiliated to The Society. There were still more than 80 FiF registered parishes, and a larger number of other resolution parishes, that had yet to affiliate. If your church is under the oversight of a member of the Council of Bishops of The Society and is not displaying the Society porchcard or shown on the map on the Society website (www.sswsh. com/map.php), please speak to your priest or churchwardens to encourage affiliation. NB the annual affiliation fee of £60 (which includes FiF registration at no extra charge) is payable by standing order only.


The New English Hymnal

A parish in the USA would like to purchase 100 copies of the New English Hymnal – new or secondhand. If you have copies that could be available for sale, please contact me – ideally, by email.


Colin Podmore
