National Assembly

This year’s National Assembly will be held at the Church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn, on Saturday 16 November, beginning with Mass at 10.30 am and concluding with Benediction at 4.30 pm.

The keynote speaker will be the Rt Revd Robert Byrne CO, Roman Catholic Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle. Bishop Robert is Co-Chairman of the English Anglican – Roman Catholic Committee (English ARC), which promotes ecumenical relations between Anglicans and Roman Catholics in England. He was previously Provost of the Oxford Oratory (1993-2011), Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference Department of Dialogue and Unity (2012-14) and Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Birmingham (2014-19).

The Council will finalize the agenda for the Assembly at its meeting on 23 September.

As usual, information and registration forms will be sent to registered parishes, branches and bishops’ representatives during September.

Though only members of the Assembly are entitled to speak and vote, anyone is welcome to attend as an observer. Those who register as observers and pay the £15 registration fee will receive the papers and a ticket for the packed lunch. (Please contact Fr Peter Hudson at the Forward in Faith office:

Society Pew Sheets: new Editor needed

We need a new editor for the Society Pewsheets. If you have organizing and copy-editing skills, and a good understanding of lectionaries and the Christian year, is this a way in which you could assist in the work of Forward in Faith and The Society? For more details of what is involved, please contact the Director:


New Directions: new Copy Editor needed

We also need a new copy editor for New Directions. Because the work has to be done swiftly to meet deadlines, we pay a small fee for this role. Could you help with the work of Forward in Faith in this way? For more details of what is involved, please contact the Director: colinpodmore@