Intended for All Souls, Requiem Masses and times of praying for and memorial of the dead


When mortal eyes at last shall dim,

When mortal hearts shall cease,

We shall entrust our souls to Thee,

Sweet Jesu, prince of peace.


The company of all the just

Around us then shall stand,

And Blesséd Mary, Gate of Heav’n,

Shall take us by the hand.


O just and tender Judge of Man,

Gaze deep within our souls.

In us, we pray, by baptism’s grace,

Thy nature there behold.


Then forth our pilgrim soul shall go

To reach its purity,

And, aided by the Church’s prayers,

Will come at last to Thee.


Call now, O Lord, all faithful souls

Unto Thyself, we pray.

May light eternal shine on them

In heaven’s perpetual day.


All glory to the Father be,

All glory to the Son,

All glory to the Holy Ghost,

Most Blesséd Three in One.


Suggested tunes:

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (St Peter)

Amazing Grace (New Britain)


Fr John Underhill SSC