Faithful God, your compassion embraces all people. Renew your church in service of the urban estates of our nation; that anointed by you Spirit we may bear witness to your power to heal and save, and the transforming love revealed in your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.’


In a recent Tweet, Bishop Philip North, encouraged us all to pray the above prayer for the mission of the church on urban estates. We commend it to you for use in your private prayers and at church. The work of mission and outreach is at the centre of the Christian life and we fail to live that life to the full when we only consider our own part of the body of Christ. We need to always be looking at the bigger picture and thinking about, and praying for, other Christian communities and churches. Elsewhere in this edition you will find an advert for the post of ‘National Missioner to the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda. This is a vital role in spreading the good news of the Gospel in our movement and focussing the missionary work in our parishes. In particular there will be a focus on that urban estates work where so many of our parishes are located. The missions officer will have a particular focus on the strategy set out by the Bishops; ‘Forming Missionary Disciples’. We set this out below and hope that you will read it and pray about it; and that you will also pray about who might fill this important role in our development as a movement in the Church of God, seeking to serve all in our nation wherever they live and worship. 



A Mission Strategy for The Society  Led by the Holy Spirit and formed by the scriptures and the sacraments, our task as Catholic Anglicans is to draw all people to new life in Christ who is the Living Bread. Strongly committed to working with and within the Church of England, the Bishops, Priests and Parishes of the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda dedicate themselves afresh to the mission of God’s Church and in particular we will prioritise: 


1 Forming God’s People  

We will:  

  1. a) Form all the baptised as missionary disciples through worship, prayer, the study of Scripture and pilgrimage 
  2. b) Set laypeople free for witness and service in the world and the church and seek the renewal of the Religious Life
  3. c) Draw people from BAME backgrounds into leadership roles 
  4. d) Produce new catechetical materials and a rule of life 


 2 Nurturing Young Disciples  

We will:  

  1. a) Call and train paid and volunteer youth and children’s leaders  
  2. b) Better equip parishes for ministry to schools
  3. c) Teach the faith more effectively to the young through special services, events, pilgrimages and written materials 
  4. d) Give young people a voice in the life of the Church and nurture them as leaders  


3 Offering Excellence in Worship

We will:  

  1. a) Encourage every local Church to assess its worshipping and devotional life 
  2. b) Develop those who have a ministry as preachers 
  3. c) Celebrate the beauty of holiness through music, art and sacred space   


4 Celebrating Sacramental Priesthood  

We will: 

  1. a) Build confidence in the identity of the Church and the nature of priesthood  
  2. b) Take active steps to foster priestly vocations  
  3. c) Use teaching days, conferences and learning communities to encourage lifelong priestly formation  


5 Being Intentional in Evangelism  

We will: 

  1. a) Support every parish in planning for growth  
  2. b) Create in every local church a culture of invitation and warm hospitality 
  3. c) Encourage evangelistic and teaching events  
  4. d)  Plant new Eucharistic communities   


6 Serving the Common Good 

We will:  

  1. a) Be a prophetic voice for the poor and vulnerable 
  2. b) Re-commit ourselves to service and proclamation in the most deprived parts of the country  
  3. c) Protect the integrity of creation