Poses is a small village on the south bank of the Seine, upriver of Rouen. Its church is dedicated to Saint Quentin, believed to be a martyr around 303 at the place now known as S. Quentin (Aisne), who is invoked as a protector against whooping cough. The church goes back to at least the start of the 11th century, but the oldest part today is the largely 12th c. nave allied with late-mediaeval (16th c.) N. tower and chancel.
At the end of the nave are two lateral altars; the one to the right of the chancel arch features a 16th c. statue of the patron saint above a small but striking 16th c. painted retable. From left to right it contains five scenes: The Scourging at the Pillar represents Our Lord being flagellated; Christ being nailed to the Cross; The Holy Trinity: a conventional composition, shows the Father seated, wearing a triple crown, and the Dove, representing the Holy Spirit, above the head of The Son; The Resurrection of Christ, which depicts Christ standing on the lid of a coffin (rather than a garden-tomb) surrounded by three soldiers, only one of whom appears to be awake; and possibly the one of most interest to readers in its depiction of a late-mediaeval Mass, which has reached the point of the Elevation of the Chalice, from which Christ emerges. Two assistants – tonsured, like the celebrant – hold elevation torches, whilst there are two candles on the altar and two on the retable. There is a missal upon the altar. The retable bears the Instruments of the Passion.
The church contains a number of late-mediaeval statues, contemporary with the rebuilding, among which are a late 16th c. John the Baptist in stone; a 16th c. stone S. Veronica with the Vernicle (10); a stone 16th c. S. Barbara and a 17th c. wood S. Peter.