Paschal Joy,
Revealed Today
Based on Vidi Aquam and Ezekiel 47, intended for Paschaltide
Paschal joy, revealed today,
From the depth of time God nurtured,
Showing us the only way,
To the promised land He offers,
Saw we then, from temple flow
Waters from beneath the threshold
Out through northern gate to sow
Seeds of life to those in sorrow.
Flowing down with torrent strength,
This great mystic water flowing,
Was for virtuous lives; defence.
Our salvation there foreshad’wing.
See, this water was to be
But a foretaste of that water
Which, with blood, on Calvary
Shed from piecéd side for sinners.
Just as then the waters flowed,
Out of right of Christ and temple,
Now in sacraments behold
Christ’s outpouring grace continual.
Suggested tune:
Jesus lives! Thy terrors now (St Albinus)
Fr John Underhill SSC