Prison Fellowship is an organisation that seeks to accompany individuals on their journey of restoration through the prison system. With projects such as the Sycamore Tree Course, facilitated in prisons to address Restorative Justice, it encourages offenders to reflect upon on the communities affected by their actions. Other projects support their families. Angel Tree facilitates a gift for the children of prisoners, sent along with a story book of the Christmas narrative and aiming to lessen the hurt and absence of a parent at Christmas time. This and a similar Mothering Sunday aims to strengthen family ties, key to preventing reoffending 

Support mechanisms include Letter Support, offering regular contact with someone outside of prison, allowing for honest and meaningful conversation. And since the pandemic hit, Prison Fellowship has set up a free telephone prayer line for prisoners with confidential prayer support from volunteers around the country. There is also frontline support, such as a bible study group for our prisoners on a weekly basis, as well as worshipping together on a Sunday morning.  

Support for Prison Fellowship can make a huge difference in the lives of not just those in prison but whole communities and support individuals in becoming much more engaged and productive members of our wider society. Please consider Prison Fellowship either with your time, by becoming a volunteer, or by making a donation.