
About brighteyes

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So far brighteyes has created 5425 blog entries.

What is a bishop?

None can grasp a structural solution who does not know what is a bishop The Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Rowell, Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe, sets out a clear summary of orthodox Anglican teaching After the rejection of Bishop Rowell’s [...]

Forward in HOPE

As Anglo-Catholic laity we tend to get on with the job in hand, with living our faith day by day, with showing God’s love to all around us, and we leave the running of the church to our representatives on [...]

Forward in Hope

Central Hall, Westminster, on Saturday 28 January 2006 We are at a critical point in our fight to achieve a proper structural provision for us if the Church of England finally decides, as it probably will, to consecrate women in [...]


The question of adequate provision for episcopal oversight for Anglo-Catholic members of the Church of England’ wrote a senior spokesperson for Lambeth Palace recently, ‘does of course remain a fundamental challenge. Several models are being talked about, including the Third [...]


August 2000 The theme of the Denver Convention of the Episcopal Church of the United States was officially designated by its Presiding Bishop, Frank Tracey Griswold III as one of 'Jubilee' [see David Mills, Letter from America, page 23]. The [...]


Sacred Synod Bookings for the Sacred Synod are coming in thick and fast, but there is a way to go yet! Knowing that some who have received Registration Forms will have put them somewhere safe, for completion later, we are [...]

2017-12-04T11:42:17+00:00June 2002 Articles|

The Silence of the Lambs

George Austin on a life with Charles and Camilla George Austin Media watch – fine. But watching the media when oneself is on view – that’s another matter. No-one believes me when I say I’ve never enjoyed it. It’s true [...]

2017-12-04T11:41:43+00:00June 2002 Articles|


I I watch the Sacrament, and think how deep The signature of God scores into things; Holiness wakes the earthly out of sleep And gives it life beyond our reckonings. So was it with each gold or silver chalice Torn [...]

2017-12-04T11:41:12+00:00June 2002 Articles|


Archaeology, Disestablishment, Joanna Southcott, Sin EXCAVATING JESUS Beneath the Stones, Behind the Texts J D Crossan & J L. Reed SPCK, 318pp 0 281 05488 6, £12.99 The sub-sub-title is ‘The key discoveries for understanding Jesus and his world’. It [...]

2017-12-04T11:40:46+00:00June 2002 Articles|
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