Home/April 2004 Articles

FiF Update

Mass at Christ the King The appointment of Fr John Scott as Honorary Chaplain at Forward in Faith’s Headquarters at Christ the King, Gordon Square, has meant some changes to the weekly cycle of celebrations in the English Chapel. Details [...]

2017-09-20T19:37:47+00:00April 2004 Articles|


The Silence of Bishops George Austin on a pack of cards Journalists look for a story. Of course they do, that is why they are there. And for those following the proceedings of the General Synod it is not always [...]

2017-09-20T19:37:17+00:00April 2004 Articles|

Book Reviews

Looking to the peoples and traditions of the Orient ANGLICANS AND ORTHODOX Unity and Subversion 1559–1725 Judith Pinnington Gracewing, 260pp, pbk 0 85244 577 6, [£14.99] Since the Elizabethan Settlement, whilst some Anglicans have traditionally looked to Geneva for their [...]

2017-09-20T19:26:00+00:00April 2004 Articles|

Letter from Australia

Passionate responses I don’t know what the impact of Mel Gibson’s The Passion would be on someone who isn’t already familiar with the Christian faith. It is just possible that they might experience the film only as gratuitous violence. And [...]

2017-09-20T19:25:27+00:00April 2004 Articles|

Synod Insider

Liberal Attrition Throughout the last century the Church has been targeted by a succession of single issue pressure groups. Our grandparents would not have given much credence to the chances of any of them succeeding, but by a process of [...]

2017-09-20T19:23:42+00:00April 2004 Articles|

Romans Policiers

How many women detectives are there in the police force? Evidence from British television would seem to indicate that they have at least achieved parity in the upper ranks, and that one in three bobbies is now accustomed to reporting [...]

2017-09-20T19:23:16+00:00April 2004 Articles|

30 Days

SCREEN SAVIOUR In a new and determined effort to put the Church of England beyond parody, the Bishop of Oxford, Richard Harries is creating an internet church for those who don't like going to church on a Sunday. A part-time [...]

2017-09-20T19:22:47+00:00April 2004 Articles|


Rodney Schofield asks which witch Interpreting the Bible has never been simple or straightforward. From the earliest days of the Church texts have lent themselves to multiple readings, from some of which heresies grew. And, with the possibility of heterodox [...]

2017-09-20T19:22:14+00:00April 2004 Articles|
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