Home/April 2011 Articles

last chronicle

Orders in Orbit I know a merry clergyman Who’s very very high, It’s hard to tell if he’s on earth Or orbiting the sky I know a gentle clergyman Who’s very very low, But if he’s here or underneath It’s [...]

2017-10-07T18:22:12+00:00April 2011 Articles|

Forward in Faith update

These two websites are commended to all members of Forward in Faith: The new official Ordinariate website www.ordinariate.org.uk ... for Anglicans in the UK who wish to find out more about the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham – including [...]

2017-10-07T18:21:24+00:00April 2011 Articles|


Peter Ramsden is the Bishop of Port Moresby. Anyone wishing to support the valuable work of this diocese and of the Province of Papua New Guinea is directed to the following webpage: . Rebecca Swyer is Ministry Development Officer in [...]

2017-10-07T18:20:48+00:00April 2011 Articles|


I was recently told that by its very nature and existence this magazine was negative and that its purpose was to promote negativity. I wish to state now that this is not what this magazine is about. We live in [...]

2017-10-07T18:20:17+00:00April 2011 Articles|

letters to the editor

From Major D. R. Wilson I read the article in your issue of March 2011 by Father Peter Mullen with great interest. We too, are staying in the Church of England to ‘fight our corner’. If, years ago, some bishops [...]

2017-10-07T18:19:46+00:00April 2011 Articles|

30 days

Equity Rules It must be hard enough to take that great step into that unknown which is the Ordinariate, but when your going is aided by men like the Area Dean of Waltham Forest, one Steven Saxby, it must be [...]

2017-10-07T18:19:19+00:00April 2011 Articles|

touching place

St John Baptist, Barnack As a church crawler opens this churchyard gate and walks up the path, they must think that all their Christmases have come at once, when they see Barnack church tower, and remember their list of characteristic [...]

2017-10-07T18:18:45+00:00April 2011 Articles|

Sacred Vision

Nottinghamshire’s hidden gem Sheonagh Ferguson on the Shrine of Our Lady of Egmanton as an important site of Marian pilgrimage ‘In thanksgiving to almighty God for the glorious mystery of the Incarnation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, His [...]

2017-10-07T18:17:59+00:00April 2011 Articles|


The new and the old Tom Sutcliffe evaluates the cultural contribution made by two very modern operas which proved highly popular with their audiences I have been having quite a lot to do with ‘the new’ in recent weeks. In [...]

2017-10-07T18:17:24+00:00April 2011 Articles|

Book of the month

Philip Corbett on the wide array of literature surrounding the KJV anniversary There can be few books that have had so great an influence as the King James Version of the Bible. As a translation it has spawned a vast [...]

2017-10-07T18:16:52+00:00April 2011 Articles|
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