Home/August 1999 Articles

Interview in The Scotsman

His Master's Voice Richard Holloway was born into a poor family in Possilpark in 1933. Taught by Anglican monks, he became a novice but later withdrew from the novitiate and was ordained in the Scottish Episcopal church in 1959. Bishop [...]

My Wounded Church

by Geoffrey Kirk Published in The Tablet 31 July 1999 When the Church of England decided to ordain women priests in 1992, it made extraordinary concessions to the opponents of the move. They were far from mollified. One of them [...]

In Community

Brother Martin SSF tells of a meeting of monks friars and nuns THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE of Forward-in-Faith members of Religious Communities took place again in July at Saint Stephen's House, Oxford, by kind permission of the Principal. Twenty-four members attended, [...]

Experimental Liturgy

A parish priest reflects on the (numerical) consequences of going back to the future TEN YEARS AGO one of my ordinands got into trouble. Tired of the relentless round of “?make it up yourself” events that passed for worship at [...]

Devotional Article

"At Massah and at Meribah THE VENITE SERVES as the Invitatory for Morning Prayer. It calls us, invites us, to worship. The Antiphon, "O come, let us worship", underlines this. Presumably it is the concentration on worship to the exclusion [...]

The Winter of Our Discontent

The Ecumenical Patriarch addresses the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church BISHOP GRISWOLD, Presiding Hierarch of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, our beloved brother in the Lord: With deep and heartfelt joy we welcome you to [...]

Synod Insider

Autolycus Synodicua DID YOU HEAR the one about the clergyman who was thrilled by a General Synod Report? Well, he really does exist and he went public on his private fetish in a recent debate. Opinion in the bar afterwards [...]

The Way We Live Now

Gilding the Lily WHY IS IT THAT the mere mention of religious advertising makes hearts sink and hackles rise? In my case it has at least something to do with the remembrance of things past: the forlorn Methodist Chapels of [...]

Idle Curiosity

Highways and Byways of Hymns August 1999 THE WORM'S TURN NEVER READ "The Stuffed Owl” on the bus or train. Unless you wish to alarm your fellow-passengers with gales of cackling mirth. It was this ‘Anthology of Bad Verse’ which [...]

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