Home/August 2006 Articles

Last Chronicle

Dear Diary, Thank goodness that World Cup fever is over. I for one found it a sickening spectacle of all the worst aspects of masculinity. The England squad, after all, is just another all-male club, like the House of Bishops [...]

Forward in Faith update

The thirteenth Forward in Faith National Assembly . . . will take place at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London SW1 on Friday 6th & Saturday 7th October, 2006. Forward in Faith Diocesan Branches and Registered and Affiliated Parishes have [...]

30 days

More TEA? 30Days is grateful to old trouper George Austin for news of a report in The Stage newspaper containing new and interesting insights into TEA. We know that no-one from Forward in Faith was consulted in the deliberations. Apparently [...]

Touching Place

St John Baptist, King's Norton, Leicestershire Eighteenth century Anglicanism has not had a good press. According to this view, it was complacent and inactive. Church repairs were financed by selling off bells and lead. Yet some medieval churches were thoroughly [...]

Sacred vision

The Wilton Diptych The Wilton Diptych, which can be seen in the National Gallery, was painted for Richard II (1367–1400) who is the crowned and kneeling figure on its left-hand panel. Consisting of two panels it was ideally suited to [...]


St Dominic Bishop Noel Jones Of the August saints, consider Dominic, Priest and Founder of the Order of Friars Preachers, otherwise known as the Dominican Order, and whose commemoration falls on 8 August. Although attracted to the monastic life, he [...]

George Austin continues his Shakespearean reflections by considering the likely influences of his Catholic school teachers Whether or not people today are active churchgoers, it is clear at any rate from older contestants’ answers to biblical questions on The Weakest [...]

The new paganism

Uniformity may have given way to personal choice, but, Hugh Baker argues, we cannot just pick and choose the beliefs which best suit our needs If, like me, you are a School Governor, you may find your school’s parents are [...]

Truth and unity

In an article first published in The Sunday Telegraph, The Rt Revd Michael Nazir-Ali returns from America praying for the best but preparing for the worst In many ways, the United States is a study in contrasts. It is full [...]

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