Home/December 1995 Articles

Facts of the Faith

Doing What comes Naturally The man in the street still believes in human nature. He accepts certain things because, as he says, "Its kinda natural like" and condemns something else because "It just ain't natural". Only certain philosophers and theologians [...]

Some Tapioca Pudding

Then he went back into the vestry, and took off his cassock and surplice, in preparation for his walk. His Saturday evenings nearly always ended like this. He came as the physician of souls, but was forced instead to minister [...]


TO: Jesus, Son of Joseph, Nazareth. FROM: The Advisory Board for the Church's Ministry. SUBJECT: Selection of Candidates for Ministry. Thank you for submitting details of the 12 men you think suitable for Ministry. All of them have now attended [...]

Saints Alive

The Holy Family If we are to believe the most ancient traditions about the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Family, we must accept the fact that Jesus suffered the fate of being an only child, whose so-called brothers and [...]


THE INTENTION TO MARRY Lord Mackay’s proposals for divorce law reform are proving remarkably controversial, being seen by some as a further liberalisation of divorce law. Although the procedure for divorce would be simplified by the new Bill, Lord Mackay [...]


The circumstances surrounding the appointment of the Rev. Roger Bowen as the new general secretary of Crosslinks have raised hackles and temperatures in the mission's governing body and anxiety in many supporting parishes. Formerly the Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society which [...]


Deciding what Priests are For The argument about lay presidency rumbles on in the Australian church. The synod of the diocese of Sydney made two significant decisions when it met in October. it voted to withdraw its application to the [...]

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