It's David for Wales ON 20 SEPTEMBER DAVID and Rosemary like many of us in this part of Britain were grieving over the decision of the Governing Body to amend our constitution to allow women to be ordained to the [...]
It's David for Wales ON 20 SEPTEMBER DAVID and Rosemary like many of us in this part of Britain were grieving over the decision of the Governing Body to amend our constitution to allow women to be ordained to the [...]
FiF London celebrate Christ the King The Forward in Faith Church of Christ the King, Gordon Square kept its Feast of Title in splendid style on Saturday, 23rd November. A congregation of close on 1,000, along with over 50 concelebrants, [...]
Robbie Low visited the recent Bournemouth Conference for FiF I HAVE A WEAKNESS for Evangelicals. Critical friends in liberal and catholic camps tend to put this down as uncharacteristic naïveté in an otherwise moderately intelligent person. The more charitable put [...]
DISCIPLINING THE CLERGY The way in which discipline is currently administered in the Church of England - and also not administered - has been a source of considerable difficulty for a number of years, as it has become apparent that [...]
A Lesson for Preachers Leo the Great’s (A.D. 390-461) sermons and writings on the Incarnation are a quarry in which the Christian preacher will find, as Lancelot Andrewes did, some carefully crafted nuggets of doctrine. His purpose was to correct [...]
After Southwark While the LGCM celebrated its 20th anniversary at Southwark cathedral, over 200 people took part in a day of prayer and fasting at St., Mary Magdalene's Church Bermondsey. It was one of around forty similar events organised by [...]
I have often been asked this question as I go about the country. It was not very long ago that we were quite unable to get on - except in the case of a very few people - and yet [...]
December 1996 QUO VADITIS, The State Churches of Northern Europe, John Broadhurst (ed.), Gracewing, Leominster, 1996, vi+154pp, pbk, ISBN O-85244-382-X. IF YOU have been puzzled by the links established between Forward in Faith and traditionalist Lutherans in Scandinavia then [...]
TOWARDS A TIDIER DOWN-UNDER AUSTRALIANS OFTEN COMPLAIN that the rest of the world pays them little attention. The last few weeks have seen this situation change dramatically. Racialist attacks on immigration by a maverick MP from Queensland, Pauline Hanson, have [...]
Where the Buck Stops SINCE RADIO FOUR'S Thought for the Day decided to ‘rest’ some of its pithier contributors some months ago, the programme has rather lost its edge. A succession of anodyne offerings from rabbis offering mild humour well [...]