THE MEDIUM IS THE MASSAGE CONSIDERING HER financial predicament (£4 million in the red and rising), and the unhappy state of her emotional life, no one can have been at all surprised to learn that the Duchess of York [...]
THE MEDIUM IS THE MASSAGE CONSIDERING HER financial predicament (£4 million in the red and rising), and the unhappy state of her emotional life, no one can have been at all surprised to learn that the Duchess of York [...]
NAY. NAY AND THRICE NAY An American correspondent, who attended the consecration in St Paul’s in September, is very puzzled. When Archbishop George asked if everyone was willing for Messrs Colclough, Sentamu and Broadhurst to be consecrated, a loud "No" [...]
THE ROBBIE LOW INTERVIEW Robbie Low visits the LGCM celebrations in Southwark Cathedral The celebration of the 20th anniversary of LGCM in Southwark Cathedral on 16th November 1996 was a milestone. Whichever side of the argument you are on, let [...]
Gerald Bray writes of the incarnation and the atonement and sees them focussed in the vocation of the Mother of God. THE OTHER DAY I was taking my Latin class through he opening chapters of Luke’s Gospel - an interesting [...]
David Holloway makes a modest proposal about the future of the monarchy. IN HER 1992 City of London speech, the Queen spoke of the questioning that needs to go on regarding the monarchy, as indeed questioning is needed in any [...]
Geoffrey Kirk looks again at the claims of Michael Adie that women's ordination is 'consonant with scripture and required by tradition' BISHOP MICHAEL ADIE, on whom the lot fell to propose the legislation for the ordination of women to the [...]
Peter Beyerhaus gives his analysis of recent developments in Western Christianity to the FiF Assembly, 1996 IN A HUNDRED YEARS, when the history of the Christian church is written anew, the sixth decade of our present century will most likely [...]
THE TWENTIETH anniversary celebrations of LGCM were, let no-one doubt, a watershed. Richard Kirker, interviewed at the end of a well-organised and well-attended day of which he must have been justly proud, looked forward to a future occasion when an [...]