Home/December 2002 Articles

Action for Marriage

Action for Marriage, a coalition of those concerned to uphold the Christian ideal of marriage as a lifelong union, invites clergy of the Church of England to respond to the present proposals to alter the marriage discipline of the Church [...]

FiF Update

December 2002 Pusey House (1) The retirement of Fr Philip Ursell as Principal of Pusey House, Oxford was marked on Advent Sunday. After the High Mass, at which Fr Ursell preached, he was presented with a portrait commissioned by the [...]

Eleven, Eleven

George Austin on the media coverage of ten years of women priests It is the 11th November 2002 as I write this. Ten years ago, in the evening, Archbishop Habgood asked me how I was feeling after the vote. ‘That [...]


MEDITATIONS FROM MALAWI For Advent ‘Be on your guard, stay awake; you never know when the time will come.’ But perceptions of time vary with the culture. In western society we are encouraged to plan ahead, to be at least [...]

Book Reviews

An Orthodox, the Chief Rabbi, a Pastor and other wise men THE THEMELESS PUDDING David Dale The Eikon Press, 192pp, pbk 0 9543318 0 X, £7.50 There is a famous story of the late Mervyn Stockwood, sometime Bishop of Southwark. [...]


TEN YEARS ON In his recent article on the tenth anniversary of the Australian General Synod’s vote for women priests, Allan Reeder, editor of the independent Anglican monthly MarketPlace, points out that in all the celebrations following that Synod, ‘the [...]


Congratulations and Celebrations The numerical decline of the Church of England proceeds apace The legacy of Springboard, the Archbishops’ agency for the Decade of Evangelism, is the gloomy prediction that attendance figures will have plummeted to 500,000 by 2030. Adult [...]


GEMS FROM THE CREM 1) One of our northern correspondents in the post-mortem operative industry reports a recent macabre musical affirmation of belief in the bodily resurrection. As the casket of a 'much loved’ lady trundled through to the fireplace [...]

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